Warrants Information

Warrant Information

Symbol BTS-W7
Security type Warrants
First trading date November 17, 2021
Underlying securities BTS
Latest price 0.01 Baht
Last Updated: 15 July 2024 16:04
Exercise ratio 1 unit of Warrants shall be entitled to purchase 1.036 ordinary share
Exercise Price Baht 11.490 per share
Number of warrants issued 1,316,263,287 units
Term of warrants 3 years from the issuance date
Issuance date November 8, 2021
Expiration date November 7, 2024
Exercise date The last Business Day of every quarter after the issuance date
ISIN number
Local TH0221054B07
Foreign -
NVDR TH0221054BR8
Registrar of the Warrants Thailand Securities Depository Company Limited 93 The Stock Exchange of Thailand Building Ratchadapisek Road, Din Daeng Sub-District, Din Daeng District, Bangkok 10400
Tel : 0 2009-9999
Website: https://www.set.or.th/tsd/th/tsd.html
Document Download
Terms and Conditions Governing the Rights and Obligations of the Issuer and Holders of the Warrants to Purchase the Newly Issued Ordinary Shares of BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited No.7 (BTS-W7)
11th Exercise
The Procedure for the Exercise of Rights to Purchase the Newly Issued Ordinary Shares of BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited under the BTS-W7 Warrants (the “Warrants”) for the 11th Exercise
Form for the Notification of Intention to Exercise the Rights to Purchase the Newly Issued Ordinary Shares of BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited No.7 (BTS-W7)
Special Pay-in Slip “Krungthai XSpring Securities Co., Ltd. For Securities Subscription”
U.S. Indicia Checklist (Only for shareholders wishing to deposit securities into the Issuer Account)
- For Individual Customer
- For Entity/Juristic Person