‘Nuduan invites children to visit the BTS SkyTrain’ Activity


Dr. Anat Arbhabhirama (left), Executive Director and Mr. Rangsin Kritalug (right), Executive Director & Chief Operating Officer, BTS Group presided over ‘Nuduan invites children to visit the BTS SkyTrain’ activity. 130 students from Samukhiyaram, Waeruwhan, and Samwhavitaya Schools vitsited Bangkok Mass Transit System Public Company Limited (BTSC), an environmental friendly and energy efficiency public transportation system, followed by visiting Siam Ocean World. The CSR activity ‘Nuduan invites children to visit the BTS SkyTrain’ organized every 3 months at the Training Center of BTSC Head Office to enhance learning outside the school. Mr. Charoen Wattanasin, Corporate Governance Committee also participated in the party.