Board of Directors

Mr. Cheong Ying Chew, Henry

Date of Registration as Director 30 July 2010

Age 76


  • Master of Science in Operational Research and Management, Imperial College, University of London, UK
  • Bachelor of Science (Mathematics), Chelsea College, University of London, UK
  • Director Accreditation Program (DAP) English Program Year 2023, Thai Institute of Directors

Shareholding in the Company (%)* : -None-

Family Relationship among the Executives: -None-

Work Experiences

2010 - Present Independent Director, BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited

Other Listed Companies in Thailand


Other Companies

2015 - Present Independent Non - Executive Director, CK Asset Holdings Limited
2015 - Present Independent Non - Executive Director, Skyworth Group Limited
2007 - Present Independent Non - Executive Director, New World Department Store China Limited
1997 - Present Deputy Chairman / Executive Director, Worldsec Limited
1996 - Present Independent Non - Executive Director, CK Infrastructure Holdings Limited
2009 - 2019 Independent Non - Executive Director, Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Limited
2008 - 2019 Independent Non - Executive Director, CNNC International Limited
2006 - 2019 Independent Non - Executive Director, Greenland Hong Kong Holdings Limited
2000 - 2019 Independent Non - Executive Director, TOM Group Limited

* % of a total of 13,167,638,462 shares having the voting rights, including shares held by their spouse and minor children