Removal of TYONG from Cash Balance List
Removal of TYONG from the list of securities which members are
responsible for ensuring that their clients have paid for their
securities purchases in full before placing orders
According to the list of securities which meet the Turnover List conditions set
by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the conditions set by
the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) as announced on May 7, 2010 which
prescribed TYONG as the security which members are responsible for
ensuring that their clients have paid for their securities purchases in full
before placing orders.
As TYONG's shareholders approved the purchase of Bangkok Mass Transit
System Public Company Limited (BTSC) ordinary shares from the BTSC
shareholders for 94.60% of BTSC's total issued ordinary shares. Furthermore,
the SET considered that BTS still has qualifications to be a listed company
according to the Regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Re: Listing of
Ordinary Shares or Preferred Shares as Listed Securities, and allowed the BTS
to be traded on May 11, 2010 onwards.
Therefore, the SET removed TYONG from the list of securities which members
are responsible for ensuring that their clients have paid for their securities
purchases in full before placing orders and allowed BTS's trading transaction
to be effectuated through any account, effective from May 11, 2010 onwards.