BTS Group presents a scholarship


Mr. Keeree Kanjanapas (center), Executive Chairman of BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited, and the management of the group’s businesses hosted a scholarship presentation ceremony for deserving students attending schools, who currently lack proper means of support and further educational opportunity in Nakon Ratchasrima Province. A total of 79 scholarships were presented to 12 schools after the annual Tod Kathin ceremony at Makudkhiriwhan Temple, in Nakon Ratchasrima Province.

The ceremony was attended by the management of the group’s businesses, i.e. Dr. Anat Arbhabhirama (fifth right), Chairman of Management Committee of the BTS SkyTrain, Mr. Surapong Laoha-Unya (fifth left), Director and Chief Operating Officer of the BTS SkyTrain, Mr. Rangsin Kritalug (fourth left), Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer, BTS Group and Mr. Marut Arthakaivalvatee (third left), Chief Executive Officer of VGI Global Media Plc.