Page 250 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 250

248                l  Introduction  l  Nature of Business  l  Organisation and Shareholding Structure  l  Business Review  l  Corporate Governance  l  Financial Statements  l  Other Information  l

                                                                                                                                             (Unit: Thousand Baht)
                                                                                                          Consolidated f nancial statements

                                                                                          Balance as at                                      Balance as at
                              Long-term loans to                      Related by          1 April 2021       Increase        Decrease       31 March 2022
             Logistics (Thailand) Co., Ltd.                   Related company                      -            20,000               -            20,000
             RATCH Group Plc.                                 Related company                      -            32,253               -            32,253
             Sino-Thai Engineering and Construction Plc.      Related company                      -            48,380               -            48,380
               Total                                                                               -           100,633               -           100,633

                  Directors’ and management’s benefits

                  During the years ended 31 March 2022 and 2021, the Group had employee benefit expenses to their directors and management as below.

                                                                                                                                               (Unit: Million Baht)
                                                                           Consolidated f nancial statements              Separate f nancial statements
                                                                             2022                2021                     2022                2021
             Short-term employee benefits                                         372                 387                      108                 121
             Post-employment benefits                                              34                 31                         9                   9
             Share-based payment                                                   20                 17                         5                   6
             Total                                                                426                 435                      122                 136

                  Guarantee obligations and commitments with related parties

                  The Company has outstanding guarantee obligations and service commitments with its related parties, as described in Note 49 to the financial statements.

            7.    Cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                                                                             (Unit: Thousand Baht)
                                                                           Consolidated f nancial statements              Separate f nancial statements
                                                                             2022                2021                     2022                2021
             Cash                                                              24,916              93,453                     1,146               1,058
             Current deposits and saving deposits                            3,666,440           3,735,386                 1,707,389          1,307,282
             Fixed deposits with maturity date due not more than 3 months      402,733                22                         -                   -
             Total                                                           4,094,089           3,828,861                 1,708,535          1,308,340
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