Page 243 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 243

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                    6.4 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements  241
               Annual Report 2021/22

                     Financial statement of associate that the Group hold less than 20%        Estimating the incremental borrowing rate - The Group as a lessee

                     The management of the Group determined that the Group has significant      The Group cannot readily determine the interest rate implicit in the lease,
                     influence over Jay Mart Public Company Limited even though the Group      therefore,  the  management  is  required  to  exercise  judgement  in
                     hold 14.58% of shares and voting rights. This is because the Group has    estimating its incremental borrowing rate to discount lease liabilities.
                     significant influence and has representation on the boards of directors of   The incremental borrowing rate is the rate of interest that the Group would
                     such company. The investments in the above companies are therefore        have to pay to borrow over a similar term, and with a similar security,
                     presented as investment in associates under the equity method in the      the funds necessary to obtain an asset of a similar value to the right-of-use
                     consolidated financial statements.                                        asset in a similar economic environment.

                     Service concession arrangements                                           Allowance for expected credit losses
                     In recording transactions under service concession arrangements,          In determining an allowance for expected credit losses, the management
                     the management had to exercise significant judgement with respect         needs to make judgement and estimates based upon, among other
                     to analysis of the contents of the agreements and the recording           things, past collection history, aging profile of outstanding debts,
                     of  the  accounting  transactions  in  accordance  with  the  scope  of                                                         the expected future cash-inflows and the forecast economic condition
                     Thai Financial Reporting Standard Interpretations 12 Service Concession   for groupings of various customer segments with similar credit risks.
                     Arrangements including the process of recognition and measurement         The Group’s historical credit loss experience and forecast economic
                     and the determination of appropriate timing of recognition of revenues    conditions may also not be representative of whether a customer will
                     relating to service concession arrangements.                              actually default in the future.

                     Leases                                                                    Fair value of financial instruments

                     Determining the lease term with extension and termination options -        In determining the fair value of financial instruments recognised in the
                     The Group as a lessee                                                     statement of financial position that are not actively traded and for which

                     In determining the lease term, the management is required to exercise     quoted market prices are not readily available, the management exercise
                     judgement in assessing whether the Group is reasonably certain to         judgement,  using  a  variety  of  valuation  techniques  and  models.
                     exercise the option to extend or terminate the lease considering all      The input to these models is taken from observable markets, and includes
                     relevant facts and circumstances that create an economic incentive for    consideration of credit risk, liquidity, correlation and longer-term volatility
                     the Group to exercise either the extension or termination option.         of financial instruments. Change in assumptions about these factors
                                                                                               could affect the fair value recognised in the statement of financial position
                                                                                               and disclosures of fair value hierarchy.
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