Page 241 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 241

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                    6.4 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements  239
               Annual Report 2021/22

                     The way cash flow hedge reserve accumulated in other comprehensive        comprehensive income is reclassified to profit or loss on systematic
                     income are subsequently accounted for, depends on the nature of the       and rational basis. The reclassified amounts are recognised in profit
                     underlying hedged transaction. If the hedged transaction subsequently     or loss in the same line as the hedged item. If the hedged item is a
                     results in the recognition of a non-financial item, the reserve accumulated   non-financial item, then the reserve is removed directly from equity and
                     in equity is removed from the separate component of equity and included   included in the initial carrying amount of the recognised non-financial item.
                     in the initial cost or other carrying amount of the hedged asset or liability.   Furthermore,  if  the  Group  expects  that  some  or  all  of  the  loss
                     This is not a reclassification adjustment and is not recognised in other   accumulated in cost of hedging reserve will not be recovered in the
                     comprehensive income for the period. For any other cash flow hedges,      future, that amount is immediately reclassified to profit or loss.
                     the reserve accumulated in other comprehensive income is subsequently
                     reclassified to profit or loss as a reclassification adjustment in the same      Hedges of a net investment in a foreign operation
                     period which the hedged cash flows affect profit or loss.
                                                                                               Hedges of a net investment in a foreign operation, including a hedge of
                                                                                               a monetary item that is accounted for as part of the net investment,
                     If cash flow hedge accounting is discontinued, the cash flow hedge        are accounted for in a way similar to cash flow hedges. Gains or losses on
                     reserve accumulated in other comprehensive income must remain             the hedging instrument relating to the effective portion of the hedge are
                     in equity if the hedged future cash flows are still expected to occur.    recognised as other comprehensive income while any gains or losses
                     Otherwise, the reserve will be immediately reclassified to profit or loss   relating to the ineffective portion are recognised in profit or loss.
                     as a reclassification adjustment. After discontinuation, once the hedged   On disposal of the foreign operation, the cumulative value of any such gains
                     cash flow occurs, the way the reserve remaining in equity is accounted     or losses recorded in equity is transferred to profit or loss.
                     for  depends  on  the  nature  of  the  underlying  transaction  as
                     described above.
                                                                                         4.29 Fair value measurement
                     The Group designates only the spot element of forward contracts and       Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid
                     the financial instrument excluding the foreign currency basis spread as   to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between buyer and seller
                     a hedging instrument. The change in fair value of the forward element     (market participants) at the measurement date. The Group applies a
                     of forward contracts and the foreign currency basis spread of financial   quoted market price in an active market to measure its assets and
                     instrument that relates to the hedged item is separately accounted        liabilities that are required to be measured at fair value by relevant
                     for as a cost of hedging which is recognised in other comprehensive       financial reporting standards. Except in case of no active market of
                     income and accumulated in a separate component of equity under cost       an identical asset or liability or when a quoted market price is not available,
                     of hedging reserve.                                                       the  Group  measures  fair  value  using  valuation  technique  that
                                                                                               are appropriate in the circumstances and maximises the use of relevant
                     If the hedged item is transaction-related, the cost of hedging reserve    observable inputs related to assets and liabilities that are required to
                     accumulated in other comprehensive income is reclassified to profit       be measured at fair value.
                     or loss when the hedged item affects profit or loss. If the hedged
                     item is time-period related, then the reserve accumulated in other
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