Page 353 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 353
BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited 6.4 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 351
Annual Report 2021/22
54. Events After The Reporting Period
54.1 The Company
54.1.1 On 6 May 2022, the Company issued and offered the sustainability-linked bond debentures No. 1/2022, which were unsubordinated and unsecured
debentures with debenture holders’ representative in the total amount of Baht 11,000 million to institutional investors and high net worth investors with the
details as follows.
Debentures Unit Unit par (Baht) Total value Term Coupon rate (% per annum)
Debentures No. 1/2022#1 700,000 1,000 Baht 700 million 3 years 2.79
Debentures No. 1/2022#2 2,800,000 1,000 Baht 2,800 million 5 years 3.65
Debentures No. 1/2022#3 3,800,000 1,000 Baht 3,800 million 7 years 4.05
Debentures No. 1/2022#4 3,700,000 1,000 Baht 3,700 million 10 years 4.40
The debenture agreements contain several covenants such as adjustment interest rate according to successfully or operating result of indicator, and future
sustainability target of bond issuers that will have a positive impact on b) To propose to a meeting of shareholders for consideration a
the environment and society. resolution to issue up to 61,000,000 warrants to purchase newly
issued ordinary shares of the Company (BTS-WG), to be offered the
54.1.2 On 30 May 2022, the Company’s Board of Directors meeting passed director, management and employees of the group under the BTS
the following significant resolutions: Group ESOP 2022, at no cost.
a) To propose to a meeting of shareholders for consideration and c) To propose to a meeting of shareholders for consideration and
approval dividend payment for operating results of fiscal year ended approval the plan for increase its registered share capital under a
31 March 2022 and the retained earnings as at 31 March 2022 of general mandate in the amount of not exceeding Baht 2,600 million
Baht 0.31 per share, or a total of not more than Baht 4,820 million. by issuing not exceeding 650 million new ordinary shares with a
The Company has paid interim dividends of Baht 0.15 per share, par value of Baht 4 each for offering to potential specific investors
totaling Baht 1,974 million. The outstanding dividend of Baht 0.15 (private placement).
per share, or a total of not more than Baht 2,106 million will be paid
to the shareholders. d) To propose to a meeting of shareholders for consideration and
approval the reduction of its registered share capital by Baht
2,679,721,768 from the existing registered share capital of Baht
73,873,395,724 to Baht 71,193,673,956 by cancellation of 669,960,442
unissued ordinary shares with a par value of Baht 4 each.