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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                          7.4 Profiles of Directors and Executives  383
               Annual Report 2021/22

               2015-2017         Director         Natural Park Ville Co., Ltd.           Mr. Daniel Ross
               2015-2017         Director         Natural Real Estate Co., Ltd.          Age 46
               2015-2017         Director         Park Opera Co., Ltd.                   Chief Investment Officer /
               2015-2017         Director         Richee Property Management Co., Ltd.   Head of Investor Relations /
               2015-2017         Director         Park Gourmet Co., Ltd.                 Head of Sustainability /
                                                                                         Sustainability Committee Member
               Other Organisations
               2020-Present      Advisor of The   Federation of Accounting Professions   Education
                                 Accounting Profession  under the Royal Patronage of     •  Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (First Class Honors) King’s College,
                                 Committee        H.M. the King                            University of London, UK
               2020-Present      Board Member     Federation of Accounting Professions   •  Director Certification Program (DCP) Year 2009, Thai Institute of Directors
                                 Managerial Accounting under the Royal Patronage of      •  TLCA Executive Development Program (EDP 14) Year 2014,
                                 Committee        H.M. the King                            Thai Listed Companies Association
               2019-Present      Secretary General  Bhumiphalung Phandin Club            •  CFA UK Level 4 Certificate in ESG Investing Year 2020
                                                  Chulalongkorn University               Nationality : Thai / British
               2018-Present      Advisor of Thai   Thai Listed Companies Association     Shareholding in the Company (%)*
                                 Investor Relations                                      1,359,233 (0.010%)
               2014-2018         President of Thai   Thai Listed Companies Association   Family Relationship among the Executives
                                 Investor Relations
                                 Club                                                    5 Years Past Experiences
               2014-2017         Board Member     Federation of Accounting Professions   2015-Present  Chief Investment   BTS Group Holdings Plc.
                                 Managerial       under the Royal Patronage of                         Officer
                                 Accounting       H. M. the King
                                 Committee                                               2009-Present  Head of Investor   BTS Group Holdings Plc.
               Training and Continuing Development Courses in Accounting                 2020-Present  Head of          BTS Group Holdings Plc.
               and Finance for Year 2021                                                               Sustainability /
               Courses / Projects                                            Hours                     Sustainability
               1. Speaker : TLCA CFO Professional Development Program (TLCA CFO CPD)   2               Committee Member
                         “COVID 19 Implications for Financial Reporting and Audit”       Other Listed Companies in Thailand
                         19 May 2021                                                     2015-2017     Director         U City Plc.
               2. Speaker : CFO Certification Programme Batch 23              3.15
                         “Strategic Corporate Finance” 29 October 2021                   Other Companies
               3. Speaker : Sharing Experience: International Financial Management   3   2020-Present  Director         Absolute Design Services Co., Ltd.
                         Faculty of Business Administration Chiang Mai University        2020-Present  Director         Absolute Hotel Services Russia Limited Liability
                         11 November 2021                                                2020-Present  Director         VHE Wroclaw Hotel Sp. Z.o.o.
               4. Speaker : International Business Environment. Faculty of Business   3  2020-Present  Director         Vienna House Cluster Polen Sp. Z.o.o.
                         Administration Chiang Mai University 11 November 2021
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