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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                          7.4 Profiles of Directors and Executives  385
               Annual Report 2021/22

                                                                                         2015-Present     Director         ATS Rabbit Special Purpose
               5 Years Past Experiences                                                                                    Vehicle Co., Ltd.
               2020-Present     Chief Officer of MIX  BTS Group Holdings Plc.            2014-Present     Director         Bangkok Payment Solutions Co., Ltd.
                                Business                                                 2010-Present     Director         Rabbit Rewards Co., Ltd.
                                                                                         2019-2020        Director         VGI AnyMind Technology Co., Ltd.
               Other Listed Companies in Thailand
               2019-Present     Member of the    VGI Plc.                                Other Organisations
                                Risk Management                                          2021-Present     Vice Chairman    Teenwork Foundation
               2018-Present     Chief Executive   VGI Plc.
               2017-Present     Member of the    VGI Plc.                                Mr. Sayam Siwarapornskul
                                Executive Committee
               2017-2018        Deputy Chief     VGI Plc.                                Age 45
                                                                                         Chief Legal Officer
                                Executive Officer
               2019-2020        Director         Plan B Media Plc.                       Education
               Other Companies                                                           •  Master of Laws (LL.M), Duke University, USA
               2021-Present     Director         Fanslink Communication Co., Ltd.        •  Bachelor of Laws, Chulalongkorn University
               2021-Present     Director         Rabbit Cash Co., Ltd.                   •  Director Certification Program (DCP) Year 2016, Thai Institute of Directors
               2021-Present     Director         Demo Power (Thailand) Co., Ltd.         •  TLCA Executive Development Program Year 2013,
               2019-Present     Director         V-Click Technology Co., Ltd.              Thai Listed Companies Association
               2017-Present     Director         RB Services Co., Ltd.                   •  Boardroom Success through Financing & Investment Year 2018,
               2017-Present     Member of        Bangkok Smartcard System Co., Ltd.        Thai Institute of Directors
                                the Executive                                            Nationality : Thai
               2009-Present     Director         Bangkok Smartcard System Co., Ltd.      Shareholding in the Company (%)*
               2015-2017        Chief Executive   Bangkok Smartcard System Co., Ltd.     -None-
               2021-Present     Executive Director  BSS Holdings Co., Ltd.               Family Relationship among the Executives
               2015-Present     Director         BSS Holdings Co., Ltd.
               2016-2021        Chief Executive   BSS Holdings Co., Ltd.                 5 Years Past Experiences
                                Officer                                                  2021-Present     Chief Legal Officer  BTS Group Holdings Plc.
               2016-Present     Director         Rabbit-LINE Pay Co., Ltd.
               2015-Present     Director         Rabbit Care Co., Ltd.                   Other Listed Companies in Thailand
               2015-Present     Director         Rabbit Care Broker Co., Ltd.            2018-2021        Director / Executives  U City Plc.
               2015-Present     Director         ASK Direct Group Co., Ltd.                               Director
               2015-Present     Director         RabbitPay System Co., Ltd.              2016-2021        Chief Legal Officer  U City Plc.
                                                                                         2016-2020        Company Secretary  U City Plc.
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