Page 72 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 72

70               l Introduction l Nature of Business l  Organisation and Shareholding Structure  l Business Review l Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

               3.4      DIVIDEND POLICY

            Dividend Policy of the Company
                                                                                                                   2021/22        2020/21       2019/20
            The Company’s dividend policy is to pay no less than 50% of the net income   Net Income               THB 6,572.1    THB 727.1    THB 5,179.3
            after tax in accordance with the Company’s financial statements (on a      (standalone financial statement)  million  million        million
            standalone basis). The Company shall pay dividend taking into consideration   Earnings per Share (1)   THB 0.499     THB 0.055     THB 0.410
            the future business plan, capital investment requirement, its performance,   (standalone financial statement)
            liquidity, current cashflow, financial status and regulations or conditions   Dividend per Share
            regarding dividend payment as set forth in the loan agreements, debentures,   -  Interim dividend      THB 0.15      THB 0.15      THB 0.18
            any contracts imposing the Company’s liabilities. The Company aims to pay a   -  Special dividend         -             -          THB 0.15
            dividend that is competitive with the constituent companies of the SET50 Index.  -  Final dividend     THB 0.16 (2)  THB 0.16      THB 0.15
                                                                                       Total Dividend Payment    Not exceeding   THB 4,081.1   THB 6,314.9
            In FY 2021/22, the Company paid interim dividend of THB 0.15 per share on                             THB 4,820.4     million        million
            24 February 2022 and has proposed a final dividend of THB 0.16 per share                                million
            to the shareholders’ meeting. Together, this translates into a dividend yield   Dividend Payout to   Approximately    561.1%        121.9%
                                                                                         Net Income (%)
            of approximately 3.47%.
                                                                                      (1)  Earnings per share is calculated by dividing profit for the year attributable to equity holders of the
                                                                                        Company (excluding other comprehensive income) by the weighted average number of ordinary
                                                                                        shares in issue during the year.
                                                                                      (2)  FY 2021/22 final dividend is subject to shareholders’ approval at the shareholders’ meeting on
                                                                                        25 July 2022

                                                                                      Dividend Policy of Subsidiaries

                                                                                      The dividend policy of BTSC is to pay dividend of no less than 50% of
                                                                                      net profits from operations, excluding extra items such as gains (losses)
                                                                                      on exchange rate and depreciation. In distributing the dividend payment,
                                                                                      BTSC may consider (1) the statutory reserve, (2) restrictions in respect of debts of
                                                                                      BTSC as per agreement with its creditors, and (3) expenses and investment
                                                                                      funds which would be required for the next year being taken into account
                                                                                      together with cash-flow projections.
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