Page 76 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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74               l  Introduction  l  Nature of Business  l  Organisation and Shareholding Structure  l  Business Review  l Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l


            Historical Share Price Analysis
            Market Review
            2021 turned out to be a positive year for most global markets, especially in     consumption which partly explained by the limited tourist arrivals despite
            key developed markets – US equities returned close to 29% and ended       the country’s reopening plan. However, it was a different case in the stock market.
            the year less than 1% from its record high . In general, global equity    In FY 2021/22 (April 2021 to March 2022), the SET Index rose by 6.8% with
            performance was supported by a strong rebound in economic growth and      THB 21.1tn cumulative trading value – the highest trading value within the past
            continued accommodative fiscal and monetary policies despite inflation rising to   5 years. This considerable trading value was driven by the THB 136.7bn
            multi-decade highs. With the pandemic continuing to disrupt economic      net buy from Foreign Investors, Local Investors and Proprietary Trading.
            recovery, the significant development of vaccine for COVID-19 coupled with   The SET50 index also rose 5.0%, supported by strong earnings of local large
            measures implemented across the globe to contain the outbreak reinforced   corporates. The SETTRANS index, on the other hand, narrowed by 5.3% due
            economic activities to resume.                                            to depressed transportation activities from tightened measures containing
                                                                                      the spread of COVID-19.
            Furthermore, 2021 was filled with essential events, including Hawkish signal
            from the Federal Reserve (FED) outlining an aggressive approach to taming   BTS Share Price in Review
            inflation and arising geopolitical risk from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.   Over the course of the FY 2021/22, BTS shares traded sideways with heavy
            Firstly, the FED kept interest rates near zero and continued injecting billions   corrections during the second and the third quarter, starting off at THB 9.65
            of dollars into markets in 2021. However, the policymakers announced plans   and ending at THB 9.20 per share on 31 March 2022, contracting 4.7% over
            to end its monthly bond-buying programme by March 2022 and planned to     the period. Whilst the Company marked several key developments during
            raise the interest rate to temper inflation. Additionally, the Russian invasion   the fiscal year, the share price underperformed when compared to the SET
            of Ukraine in early 2022 triggered policy actions and moves across global   Index possibly due to suppressed ridership from strict measures containing
            markets. This caused the oil price to surge over USD 130 per barrel for   the spread of COIVD-19 and uncertainties causing transportation projects delays.
            the first time since 2008 and gas prices to spike to all-time highs. J.P. Morgan
            Research indicated that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will slow global growth
            and raise inflation .                                                     During 1Q 2021/22 (from April to June 2021), the BTS share price moved in
                                                                                      the same pattern as the SETTRANS Index, contracting in April and recovering in May.
                                                                                      The share price set off the quarter at THB 9.65 and reached its period
            The Thai economy was critically disrupted by a surge of COVID-19 cases    trough at THB 8.55 during mid-May, largely influenced by the third wave of
            from local transmission. In 2021, the overall economy expanded by less    the COVID-19 outbreak after Songkran festival in April 2021. In May 2021,
            than 2%. The lower-than-forecast growth reflected weakness in private     WHO designated ‘Delta’ as a variant of concern in which rapidly became
                                                                                      the dominant strain globally thereafter. To cope with the rising concerns,

            1  UBS - 2021 in review: Five key observations
            2  J.P. Morgan Research - The Russia-Ukraine Crisis: What Does It Mean For Markets?
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