Page 110 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 110

108                l  Introduction  l  Nature of Business  l  Organisation and Shareholding Structure  l  Business Review  l Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

            FY 2021/22 Operational Performance

                Operating Revenue     FY 2021/22       % of Total     FY 2020/21       % of Total   % Change (YoY)     FY 2021/22          FY 2020/21
                    (THB mn)                                                                                           GP margin (%)      GP margin (%)
             MOVE                       20,873            81%           31,401            90%            (34)%              23.1%               17.0%
             MIX                         4,298            17%            2,614            7%             64%                24.0%               42.3%
             MATCH                        652              3%             923             3%             (29)%               N.A.                N.A.
             Total                      25,823           100%           34,938           100%           (26)%               22.2%               18.1%

            Total operating revenue in FY 2021/22 was THB 25,823mn, decreasing by     Total operating costs dropped in line with the decrease in total operating
            26.1% YoY or THB 9,115mn. Revenues from the MOVE, MIX and MATCH           revenue, dropping by THB 8,524mn or 29.8% YoY to THB 20,083mn.
            businesses accounted for 81%, 17% and 3% of total operating revenue,      The decrease was primarily from lower recognition of construction costs of
            respectively. The decline in operating revenue of THB 10,527mn or 33.5% YoY   the Pink and Yellow Lines, and the services cost for the provision of E&M
            to THB 20,873mn was predominantly due to lower MOVE revenue, chiefly from   works and the train procurement service for the aforementioned Green Line
            reduced recognition of services revenue for the provision of E&M works and   extensions.
            the train procurement service for the Northern Green Line extension (as we
            entered the tail-end of development) as well as a lower construction revenue   Operating Gross Profit was THB 5,740mn, decreasing by THB 591mn or
            for the Pink and Yellow Lines. Nonetheless, the decline in operating revenue   9.3% YoY. The operating gross profit margin in FY 2021/22 was 22.2%, increasing
            was partly offset by higher MIX revenue and increased O&M revenue.        from 18.1% in FY 2020/21 due to higher operating gross profit margin from
                                                                                      MOVE business.

            Segmental Performance

            MOVE Business

                              MOVE Revenue (THB bn)                    FY 2021/22        % of Total      FY 2020/21        % of Total     % Change (YoY)
             Development of new lines                                      14.6             70%              25.4             81%               (43)%
                New Green Line extensions 2                                 0.7              3%               6.0             19%               (89)%
                Pink and Yellow Lines 3                                    13.9             67%              19.4             62%               (28)%
             O&M 4                                                          6.3             30%               5.3             17%                18%
             Others 5                                                       0.0              0%               0.7              2%               (97)%
             Total                                                         20.9            100%              31.4            100%               (34)%
             2  Services Income from the provision of E&M works and the train procurement service for the Southern and Northern Green Line extensions
             3  Construction revenue for the Pink and Yellow Lines
             4  Operating and Maintenance revenue for Green Line extensions and Gold Line Phase 1
             5  Consists of Services Income from the provision of E&M works and the train procurement service for the Gold Line Phase 1 and farebox revenue from BRT
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