Page 113 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 113

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                        4.4 Management Discussion and Analysis  111
               Annual Report 2021/22

               MATCH Business                                                            Financial Position

               Total MATCH revenue in FY 2021/22 was THB 652mn, a decrease of 29.4% YoY      (THB mn)
               or THB 271mn, owing to lower construction revenue from HHT Construction
               Company Limited of THB 263mn. Costs also decreased with the decline in                            255,867
               revenue, amounting to THB 776mn, dropping by 23.9% YoY or THB 244mn.                 212,076            23,153
               In FY 2021/22, the Company recorded share of profit from investments in          197,918
               U City (our associate) of THB 220mn (compared to a share of loss of THB
               2,098mn in the previous year), primarily as a result of
                                                                                                                                       Total current assets
               (i)  lower recognition of U City’s impairment of assets of THB 1,045mn                                                  Total non-current assets
               (ii)  the record of an unrealised gain from the recognition of the investment
                   in Jaymart by U City in December 2021                                            31 Mar 21    31 Mar 22
               (iii)  the increase in revenue due to the rebound performance of the hotel
                                                                                             (THB mn)
               More commentary on U City can be found in 1Q 2022 U City’s management discussion                   255,867
               and analysis.                                                                        212,076
               do?newsId=16523982131930&sequence=2022062068                                      32,270                 122,215

               MATCH is the BTS Group’s platform to establish strategic alliances and leverage                                         Total current liabilities
               our unique and proprietary MOVE and MIX platforms in order to provide our                                               Total non-current liabilities
               partners with more REACH and insight. Our investment in Jaymart, Singer,          76,037                 86,128         Total shareholders’ equity
               A LIFE and TBN, this year are part of the 3M strategy to increase the value of
               our group and partners, eventually strengthening business possibilities and
               creating additional business synergies in the near future.                           31 Mar 21    31 Mar 22
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