Page 130 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 130

128               l  Introduction  l  Nature of Business  l  Organisation and Shareholding Structure  l  Business Review  l Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

            Financial Analysis                                                        groupings of various customer segments with similar credit risks. The Customer

            Asset Management Capability                                               segments classify by customer type and rating. The calculation reflects
                                                                                      the probability-weighted outcome, the time value of money and reasonable and
            Cash to be received from clearing house - share subscription of subsidiary and   supportable information that is available at the reporting date about past events,
            Receivable from subscription for newly issued ordinary shares of subsidiary   current conditions and forecasts of future economic condition. As at 31 March
            as at 31 March 2022 increased from 31 March 2021 of  THB 12,916.7mn,      2022, The Group recognised an allowance for expected credit losses for Trade
            because VGI received cash from the issuance of newly ordinary             receivables - unrelated parties of THB 184.9mn.
            shares on 2 April 2022 and registered the increase in its issued and paid-up
            share capital with the Ministry of Commerce on 8 April 2022. The Group
            therefore  presented  cash  paid  of  the  Group  for  share  subscription  as   Inventories as at 31 March 2022 of THB 379.7mn, increased of THB 360.0mn
            “Cash to be received from clearing house - share subscription of subsidiary”   YoY, due to consolidation of Fanslink in August 2021. The Group has policy
            and the remaining cash as “Receivable from subscription for newly issued   in reviewing its inventory value regularly at each reporting date in order to
            ordinary shares of subsidiary” in the consolidated statement of financial position.   present carrying amounts of inventories of not lower than net realisable values.
            The details of cash to be received from clearing house - share subscription of   The details of inventories are presented in Note 9 of the financial statements.
            subsidiary and receivable from subscription for newly issued ordinary shares
            of subsidiary are presented in Note 14.3 to the financial statements.     Receivable under agreements with government authority as at 31 March
                                                                                      2022 was THB 18,436.6mn consisting of current portion of THB 88.6mn
                                                                                      and non-current portion of THB 18,348.0mn. Receivable under agreements
            Trade and other receivables as at 31 March 2022 of THB 1,094.6mn,         with government authority totally increased of THB 7,618.4mn YoY (from
            comprised trade receivables of THB 951.9mn and other receivables of       THB 10,818.2mn as at 31 March 2021) due to services relating to the provision
            THB 142.7mn. Trade and other receivables increased THB 137.3mn or 14.3%     of operation, maintenance and train procurement services during the year.
            from 31 March 2021 primarily due to the trade receivables - unrelated parties   The Group is still waiting for the conclusion from the Cabinet regarding
            are receivables that are not yet due. The details of Trade and other receivables   the approval of the draft of amendment of the Green Line concession agreement.
            and aging analysis are presented in Note 8 of the financial statements.
                                                                                      As a result, the Group has not received the payment of receivables under
                                                                                      the operating maintenance and train procurement services agreements.
            Trade receivables as at 31 March 2022 of THB 951.9mn, comprised           The Group used judgement to estimate allowance for expected credit loss
            Trade receivables - related parties amounting THB 137.7mn and             for the receivables, taking into account the facts from the negotiations and
            Trade receivables - unrelated parties of THB 814.2mn. 90% of trade receivables   the Group’s reservation of right to take legal action. The Group does not record
            - unrelated parties are receivables that are not yet due and past due not more   allowance for expected credit loss on the receivables because the Group
            than 3 months. The Company and its subsidiaries recognised an allowance   believes that it will receive the payment in full amount from KT, which
            for expected credit losses that may be incurred in collection of receivables.   is a government entity. In addition, interest rates of major debts are close to the market
            An impairment analysis is performed at each reporting date to measure     rate and the estimated allowance is immaterial to the financial statements.
            expected credit losses. The provision rates are based on days past due for
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