Page 129 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 129

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                        4.4 Management Discussion and Analysis  127
               Annual Report 2021/22

                                                                                                                                               Unit: Million Baht

                                                                                                 Consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March,
                                                                                                  2022                   2021                  2020
                Increase in long-term debentures                                                 23,200.0               8,600.0               13,000.0
                Cash paid for repayment long-term debentures                                    (13,400.0)             (5,050.0)              (5,500.0)
                Cash paid for debenture transaction costs                                          (26.7)                 (10.5)                (15.9)
                Cash repayment of lease liabilities                                               (225.7)                (192.3)                    -
                Dividend paid                                                                    (4,068.9)             (5,904.3)              (5,492.5)
                Cash paid for purchases of investments in subsidiaries                                -                  (293.0)              (1,397.1)
                Cash paid to payables of purchases of investments                                  (18.3)                    -                 (812.0)
                Cash received from sales of investments in subsidiaries                               -                 8,101.9                5,200.3
                Cash received from sales of warrants in subsidiaries                                65.4                  80.2                  516.9
                Dividend paid by subsidiaries to non-controling interests of subsidiaries         (458.4)                (284.2)               (485.1)
                Cash received from exercised warrants                                               39.7                  79.5                13,672.2
                Cash received from non-controlling interests for issuance of ordinary shares of subsidiaries  1,524.9     366.0                  40.0
                Net cash from financing activities                                               34,370.2              26,685.8               27,551.3
                Translation adjustment                                                                 -                     -                  (33.3)
                Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                              6,951.1                 623.3               (1,048.6)
                Effect of exchange rate for cash and cash equivalents                              (17.4)                 (18.6)                253.7
                Cash to be received from clearing house - share subscription of subsidiary       (6,668.5)                   -                      -
                Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year                               3,828.9                3,225.9                4,020.8
                Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year classified as held for sale               -                   (1.7)                    -
                Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year                                      4,094.1               3,828.9                3,225.9

                Supplemental cash flow information
                Non-cash transactions
                   Payable of acquisition of equipment                                              61.0                   63.7                  97.8
                   Payable of acquisition of intangible assets                                      66.0                   4.0                      -
                   Receivable of sales of investment properties                                    421.5                1,815.3                     -
                   Payable of acquisition of investments                                            16.4                  32.4                   68.5
                   Receivable of sales of investments                                               35.1                  61.2                 5,472.7
                   Payable of investment in elevated train project costs                           332.7                  837.4                1,539.7
                   Increase in right-of-use assets from lease liabilities                          249.3                  175.9                     -
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