Page 124 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 124

122               l  Introduction  l  Nature of Business  l  Organisation and Shareholding Structure  l  Business Review  l Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

                                                                                                                                            Unit: Million Baht

                                                                             Consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March,
                                                          2022               %              2021               %              2020               %
                                                                       of total income                   of total income                   of total income

             Other comprehensive income not to be
               reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent
             Gain on changes in value of equity investments
               designated at fair value through other
               comprehensive income - net of income tax    106.7                            5,858.0                                -
             Share of gain on equity investments designated
               at fair value through other comprehensive
               income of associate                         520.1                              30.1                                 -
             Actuarial loss - net of income tax             41.7                                 -                            (276.7)
             Share of actuarial gain (loss) of associate    (8.0)                              6.1                              (0.8)
             Other comprehensive income not to be
               reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent
               periods - net of income tax                 660.5                            5,894.2                           (277.5)
             Other comprehensive income for the year      2,638.8                           8,916.4                          (3,405.3)
             Total comprehensive income for the year      6,519.8                          14,275.8                           5,412.1
             Profit attributable to:
             Equity holders of the Company
                Profit from continued operation           3,825.6                           4,576.3                           7,341.3
                Profit  from discontinued operation            -                                 -                             820.4
                                                          3,825.6                           4,576.3                           8,161.7
             Non-controlling interests of the subsidiaries
                Profit from continued operation             55.4                             783.1                             484.7
                Profit from discontinued operation             -                                 -                             171.0
                                                            55.4                             783.1                             655.7
                                                          3,881.0                           5,359.4                           8,817.4
             Total comprehensive income attributable to:
             Equity holders of the Company
                Profit from continued operation           5,866.3                          11,499.4                           4,465.7
                Profit from discontinued operation             -                                 -                             902.6
                                                          5,866.3                          11,499.4                           5,368.3
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