Page 127 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 127

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                        4.4 Management Discussion and Analysis  125
               Annual Report 2021/22

                                                                                                                                               Unit: Million Baht

                                                                                                 Consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March,
                                                                                                  2022                   2021                  2020
                Decrease (increase) in operating assets
                   Bank account for advance from cardholders                                        (1.8)                  (2.6)                (54.5)
                   Trade and other receivables                                                    (188.9)                 348.3                (830.5)
                   Receivable under agreements/ Receivable due in the future under agreements with
                     government authorities - train procurment services                         (11,598.0)            (13,895.2)             (11,800.0)
                   Receivable under purchase and installation of operating system agreement       (739.9)              (5,293.7)              (5,068.2)
                   Accrued income                                                                   27.2                   6.2                  (16.1)
                   Real estate development costs                                                     4.6                     -                   23.3
                   Advances to contractors and for acquisitions of assets                          452.8                1,097.7                1,791.5
                   Other current assets                                                            (32.3)                (303.3)               (990.3)
                   Other non-current assets                                                       (326.6)                (342.3)                379.9
                Increase (decrease) in operating liabilities
                   Trade and other payables                                                      (1,374.8)             (1,667.2)               1,125.0
                   Advances received from cardholders                                                1.6                  (35.1)                 26.7
                   Advances received/Unearned income                                               (33.0)                  47.7                (214.9)
                   Retention payables                                                              (22.8)                  58.3                  25.4
                   Provision for long-term employee benefits                                       (45.6)                 (51.3)                (15.3)
                   Provisions                                                                       (6.7)                 (30.4)                (33.8)
                   Other current liabilities                                                       458.7                  736.0                 276.1
                Cash used in operating activities                                                (8,995.1)            (14,077.4)             (10,460.6)
                   Cash paid for interest expenses                                               (4,210.5)             (3,229.9)              (2,337.7)
                   Cash received for interest income                                                   -                     -                  124.1
                   Cash paid for corporate income tax                                            (2,252.0)             (2,428.0)              (1,439.0)
                   Cash return from corporate income tax                                             9.8                   22.9                   6.1
                Net cash used in operating activities                                           (15,447.8)            (19,712.4)             (14,107.1)

                Cash flows from investing activities
                Decrease (increase) in restricted deposits                                          (2.9)                  (0.7)                 32.1
                Increase in short-term loans to related parties                                     (0.5)                  (2.5)                (72.8)
                Increase in long-term loans to related parties                                    (105.0)                    -                   (1.5)
                Cash received from repayment of long-term loans to related parties               5,029.0                     -                    5.9
                Interest income                                                                    480.0                  342.3                 758.7
                Dividend received                                                                  602.6                  650.9                1,401.0
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