Page 123 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 123

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                        4.4 Management Discussion and Analysis  121
               Annual Report 2021/22

                                                                                                                                               Unit: Million Baht

                                                                                Consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March,
                                                             2022              %               2021              %               2020               %
                                                                          of total income                   of total income                   of total income
                Income tax                                  (1,214.2)         (3.9%)          (1,927.1)         (4.6%)          (1,477.6)         (3.5%)
                Profit from continued operation for the year  3,881.0         12.5%            5,359.4          12.6%            7,826.0          18.5%
                Discontinued operation
                Profit from discontinued operation for the year   -                -                -                -            991.4            2.3%
                Profit for the year                          3,881.0          12.5%            5,359.4          12.6%            8,817.4          20.8%
                Other comprehensive income:
                Other comprehensive income to be reclassified
                  to profit or loss in subsequent periods:
                Exchange differences on translation of financial
                  statements in foreign currencies                -                                 -                              (5.2)
                Exchange differences on translation of financial
                  statements in foreign currencies of associate  71.5                            64.4                             (64.3)
                Loss on hedges of a net investment in a foreign
                  operation - net of income tax                (6.7)                             (0.1)                                -
                Gain on cash flow hedges - net of income tax  1,901.1                         2,873.4                             596.8
                Net change in costs of hedging - net of
                  income tax                                   22.8                             (15.1)                                -
                Loss on changes in value of available-for-sale
                  investments - net of income tax                 -                                 -                           (3,645.0)
                Share of loss on measurements of available-for-
                  sale investments of associate                   -                                 -                             (10.1)
                Gain (loss) on debt investments measured at fair
                  value through other comprehensive income -
                  net of income tax                           (10.5)                             99.6                                 -
                Other comprehensive income to be reclassified
                  to profit or loss in subsequent periods - net of
                  income tax                                1,978.3                           3,022.2                           (3,127.8)
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