Page 121 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 121

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                        4.4 Management Discussion and Analysis  119
               Annual Report 2021/22

                                                                                                                                               Unit: Million Baht
                                                                                         Consolidated financial statements as at 31 March,
                                                                   2022              %             2021             %              2020             %
                                                                                of total asset   (Restated)     of total asset                  of total asset
                Shareholders' equity
                Share capital
                    18,468,348,931 ordinary shares of Baht 4 each
                       (2021:15,633,262,697 ordinary shares of Baht 4 each)
                       (2020: 15,654,597,298 ordinary shares of Baht 4 each)  73,873.4           62,533.1                        62,618.4
                  Issued and fully paid
                    13,164,477,883 ordinary shares of Baht 4 each
                       (2021:13,161,131,146 ordinary shares of Baht 4 each)
                       (2020: 13,154,296,081 ordinary shares of Baht 4 each)  52,657.9   20.6%   52,644.5          24.8%         52,617.2         30.4%
                Share premium                                    10,391.7           4.1%         10,370.8           4.9%         10,324.4          6.0%
                Surplus on debenture conversion                   1,356.6           0.5%          1,356.6           0.6%          1,356.6          0.8%
                Share subscriptions received in advance             26.0            0.0%            17.5            0.0%             2.5           0.0%
                Equity from exercise of warrants                     1.2            0.0%             0.0            0.0%             0.7           0.0%
                Deficit on business combination under common control  (3,372.0)    (1.3%)        (3,372.0)         (1.6%)        (3,372.0)        (1.9%)
                Surplus from the changes in the ownership interests in
                  subsidiaries                                    6,869.1           2.7%          6,811.2           3.2%          2,572.4          1.5%
                Retained earnings
                   Appropriated - statutory reserve               3,432.1           1.3%          3,103.5           1.5%          3,067.2          1.8%
                   Unappropriated (deficit)
                      Retained earnings before elimination of deferred
                       gains from salesof assets to associates and equity
                       method transactions                        2,661.0           1.0%          2,124.4           1.0%          3,325.5          1.9%
                      Deferred gains from sales of assets to associates
                        and equity method transactions          (13,306.7)         (5.2%)       (13,004.5)         (6.1%)       (12,820.2)        (7.4%)
                Other components of shareholders' equity          1,345.9           0.5%           109.6            0.1%         (2,151.3)        (1.2%)
                Equity attributable to owners of the Company     62,062.8          24.2%         60,161.6          28.4%         54,923.0         31.9%
                Non-controlling interest of the subsidiaries     24,064.7           9.4%         15,875.7           7.5%         12,322.6          7.1%

                Total shareholders' equity                       86,127.5          33.6%         76,037.3          35.9%         67,245.6         39.0%
                Total liabilities and shareholders' equity      255,866.6         100.0%        212,075.6         100.0%        173,100.5        100.0%
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