Page 174 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 174

172               l Introduction l Nature of Business l Organisation and Shareholding Structure l Business Review l  Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

            business policy of BTS Group, financial status and operating results, the scope   Assessment of the performance of the subcommittees: The Board of Directors
            of duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors and the subcommittees,   assigns all subcommittees, namely the Audit Committee, the Nomination and
            as well as the Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Business Conduct.  Remuneration Committee, the Sustainability Committee, the Risk Management
                                                                                      Committee, and the Executive Committee to assess their performance and
            Assessment of the performance of the board of directors: The Board of     report the assessment result to the Board of Directors on an annual basis.
            Directors conducts an assessment of its annual performance through both
            group evaluation and individual evaluation. After each director has completed   •  Assessment of the performance of the audit committee: The assessment
            the assessment form, the Company Secretary Office will calculate the scores   criteria cover Composition of the Audit Committee, Independence of the
            and provide a summary of the scores to the Board of Directors. The purpose   Audit Committee Members, Trainings and Source of Information, Meetings,
            is to review the performance outcome, problems, and obstacles in the past    Activities of the Audit Committee, and Relationship with the Chief of the
            year so as to improve the work efficiency.                                   Internal Audit Office, the Company’s Auditors, and the Management. After
                                                                                         each director has completed the assessment form, the Internal Audit Office
            •  Assessment of the performance of the board of directors (Group evaluation):   will calculate the scores and provide a summary of the scores to the Audit
               The assessment criteria cover Structure and Characteristics of the Board of   Committee. The purpose is to review the performance outcome, problems, and
               Directors, Roles, Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors, the   obstacles in the past year so as to improve the work efficiency. Thereafter,
               Board of Directors’ Meetings, Performance of Board of Directors’ Duties,   the result of the assessment will be proposed to the Board of Directors for
               Relationship with the Management, and Personal Development of Directors   consideration. The assessment score is calculated as: 5 = Very Good, 4 =
               and Executives. The assessment score is calculated in percentage to the   Good, 3 = Fair, 2 = Lower than Standard, and 1 = Improvement Needed.
               total score: 90 - 100% = Excellent, 76 - 89% = Very Good, 66 - 75% =
               Food, 50 - 65% = Fair, and below 50% = Improvement Needed.               In 2021/22, the average score was 4.89 points.
              In 2021/22, the average score was 99.44%.                               •  Assessment of the performance of other subcommittees: The assessment
                                                                                         criteria covers Structure and Qualification, Performance of Duties, Training
            •  Assessment of the performance of the board of directors (Individual       / Source of Information, Meetings, and Duties and Responsibilities. After
               evaluation): The assessment criteria cover the fiduciary duty to manage   each director has completed the assessment form, the Company Secretary
               the Company’s business operations in the best interest of the shareholders,   Office will calculate the scores and provide a summary of the scores to each
               the time allocation and preparation for attending the Board of Directors’   subcommittee. The purpose is to review the performance outcome, problems,
               meetings and the shareholders’ meetings, the contribution of useful opinions,   and obstacles in the past year so as to improve the work efficiency. Thereafter,
               suggestions, or other guidelines to the Management, the independence      the results of the assessment will be proposed to the Board of Directors
               of opinions, the value and support of continuous compliance with the      for consideration where the Board of Directors may provide comments or
               principles of good corporate governance of listed companies, and the      request the relevant subcommittees to improve in certain areas as appropriate.
               attendance of trainings and personal development programme necessary      The assessment score is calculated in percentage to the total score:
               for performing functions as directors of listed companies. The assessment   90 - 100% = Excellent, 76 - 89% = Very Good, 66 - 75% = Food, 50 - 65%
               score is calculated as: 5 = Very Good, 4 = Good, 3 = Fair, 2 = Lower than   = Fair, and below 50% = Improvement Needed.
               Standard, and 1 = Improvement Needed.

              In 2021/22, the average score was 4.96 points.
   169   170   171   172   173   174   175   176   177   178   179