Page 179 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 179

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                     5.3 Corporate Governance Perfomance Report  177
               Annual Report 2021/22

               In addition, the following directors of the Company received remuneration   Nomination of chief executive officer: The Nomination and Remuneration
               comprising monthly remuneration, meeting allowance and bonus from the     Committee shall select a candidate for the position of Chief Executive Officer
               directorship position in the core subsidiaries of the Company. However, there   in accordance with the selection criteria of the Company, by taking into
               is no bonus payment for directors of Bangkok Mass Transit System Plc. and   consideration the qualifications of the Deputy Chief Executive Officer and other
               VGI Plc. in the past year. The remuneration details are as follows;       Chief Officers within the organisation first. If there is no qualified candidate in
                                                                                         the organisation suitable for this position, the candidate shall be sought from
                                                                                         the external source. Such qualified candidate shall be further proposed to the
                     Director           Subsidiaries         Position                    Board of Directors for their consideration and appointment.
                Mr. Keeree Kanjanapas  Bangkok Mass Transit System Plc.  Chairman of the   960,000  Succession plan: The Board of Directors places importance on having an
                                                          Board of Directors
                                           VGI Plc.        Chairman of the   960,000     effective and efficient management as well as the continuance of its business
                                                          Board of Directors             operations, which are essential factors to the sustainable growth of the
                Mr. Surapong Laoha-Unya Bangkok Mass Transit System Plc.  Director  480,000  organisation. Thus, the Company is required to prepare a succession plan for
                                           VGI Plc.           Director     480,000       the positions of the Chief Executive Officer, Deputy Chief Executive Officer,
                                                                                         and other senior executive positions, and to review the same from time to
                Mr. Kavin Kanjanapas  Bangkok Mass Transit System Plc.  Director  480,000
                                                                                         time in order to ensure that there will be competent senior executives for the
                                           VGI Plc.           Director     480,000
                                                                                         succession of these key positions in the organisation.
                Mr. Kong Chi Keung         VGI Plc.           Director     480,000
                                                                                         Governance of Subsidiaries and Associated Companies
               •  Non-monetary remuneration and other benefits:                          The Company, as the parent company, is responsible for governing and
                 -None-                                                                  overseeing the business operations of the companies within the Group, sets
                                                                                         out governing policies and standards, defines directions and business goals
               Directorship in non-BTS group companies: The Company has determined       for the Group, as well as follows up on the implementation and compliance
               a policy that each director can hold the directorship positions in other listed   thereof on a regular basis. In this regard, the Board of Directors has the
               companies besides BTS Group not more than 4 companies so that the directors   authority to define the overall directions, business model, strategies, business
               can devote their times to effectively perform their duties.               plans, and financial budgets, as well as resources allocation, which are applied
                                                                                         to the Group on a consolidated basis. The Board of Directors also makes
               The Chief Executive Officer should not hold any directorship position in non-BTS
               Group companies, save for the exceptions stipulated by the Board of Directors.   decisions on matters which are of major significance to the Group, for example,
                                                                                         investment or divestment, asset acquisition or disposal, business joint venture
               Furthermore, the Company has determined a policy on directorship positions   or termination thereof.
               of senior executive of the Company in non-BTS Group companies to not more
               than 5 companies, provided that a consent has been obtained from the Chief   The investment policies in the Company’s subsidiaries and associated
               Executive Officer.                                                        companies are as follows:
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