Page 183 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 183

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                     5.3 Corporate Governance Perfomance Report  181
               Annual Report 2021/22

                           Report on securities holding of directors and executives                  Report on securities holding of directors and executives

                                                   Number of shares       Change                                             Number of shares       Change
                            Name                                         Increased                    Name                                         Increased
                                              31 Mar 2021   31 Mar 2022  (Decreased)                                      31 Mar 2021   31 Mar 2022  (Decreased)
                1. Mr. Keeree Kanjanapas      4,209,452,252  4,262,575,652  53,123,400   14. Mr. Surayut Thavikulwat       887,818      887,818        0
                   Spouse / Minor Children         0            0            0              Spouse / Minor Children         17,000       17,000        0
                2. Dr. Anat Arbhabhirama           0            0            0           15. Mr. Daniel Ross               1,359,233   1,359,233       0
                   Spouse / Minor Children         0            0            0              Spouse / Minor Children           0            0           0
                3. Mr. Surapong Laoha-Unya     5,552,627     5,552,627       0           16. Mr. Sayam Siwarapornskul         0            0           0
                   Spouse / Minor Children         0            0            0              Spouse / Minor Children           0            0           0
                4. Mr. Kavin Kanjanapas        602,934,595  604,475,395   1,540,800      17. Mrs. Duangkamol Chaichanakajorn  1,074,201  1,074,201     0
                   Spouse / Minor Children         0            0            0              Spouse / Minor Children           0            0           0
                5. Mr. Rangsin Kritalug            0            0            0           18. Miss Chawadee Rungruang       817,772                              867,772  50,000
                   Spouse / Minor Children         0            0            0              Spouse / Minor Children           0            0           0
                6. Mr. Kong Chi Keung          3,200,000     3,200,000       0
                   Spouse / Minor Children         0            0            0           Remark :
                7. Mr. Suchin Wanglee          4,913,360     4,913,360       0           The Board of Directors has approved and made amendment to the organisation chart. As a result,
                   Spouse / Minor Children     3,262,857     3,262,857       0           there are eight executives, pursuant to the definition stated in the Notification of the Securities and
                                                                                         Exchange Commission Re: Determination of Definitions in the Notifications relating to Issuance and
                8. Professor Charoen Wattanasin  360,000      360,000        0           Offering of Securities, as detailed shown in Section Executives in this report.
                   Spouse / Minor Children         0            0            0
                9. Mr. Cheong Ying Chew, Henry     0            0            0           Anti-corruption
                   Spouse / Minor Children         0            0            0
                                                                                         BTS Group is committed to a firm stand against corruption and does not
                10. Dr. Karoon Chandrangsu         0            0            0           tolerate any forms of corruption, whether direct or indirect. BTS Group does
                   Spouse / Minor Children         0            0            0           not allow reprisals of any kind against the Company’s personnel who refuse
                                                                                         to condone corruption even if such refusal will cause the Group to lose its
                11. Mrs. Pichitra Mahaphon      200,000       200,000        0           business opportunity.
                   Spouse / Minor Children      300,000       300,000        0
                12. Mr. Paisal Tarasansombat       0            0            0           In order to provide explicit guidelines for the directors, executives and
                   Spouse / Minor Children      125,900       132,300      6,400         employees of the Company to operate and carry out their duties with “rightness”
                                                                                         as the basis, in accordance with the Chairman’s framework of “Do it Right”,
                13. Mr. Lap Shun Nelson Leung      0            0            0
                   Spouse / Minor Children         0            0            0           the Board of Directors has set out the Anti-Corruption Measures of the Company
                                                                                         in 2015 which consists of:
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