Page 185 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                     5.3 Corporate Governance Perfomance Report  183
               Annual Report 2021/22

               (1) Through “Nuduan Chaun Chee Chong” Chanel;                             Training and Communication on Anti-corruption Policy

                                                                                         The Company places importance on the communication and dissemination
                  •  Click the banner available on the Company’s intranet system or email:   of the Company’s Anti-Corruption Measures in order to provide better
                                                       understanding and knowledge in relation thereto to the relevant persons, both

                                                                                         internally and externally, on an annual basis.
                  •  Nuduan Chaun Chee Chong Hotline, which is an intake system operated
                     by an unaffiliated service provider                                 In 2021/22, the Company had arranged the following activities:

               (2) Through the employees’ supervisors or lines of command; and           •  Conducted an annual review of the Anti-Corruption Measures, policies,

                                                                                            guidelines and procedures of the Company, including Fraud Risk
               (3) Through the Human Resources Department                                   Management Measures, and further proposed to the Sustainability
                                                                                            Committee and the Board of Directors for consideration and approval in
               In order to protect the rights of the complainants and respondents, the      order to ensure that the existing measures and internal control guidelines
               complainants or respondents may choose to remain anonymous. The Company      of the Company are still sufficient and suitable;
               will not disclose the names, addresses or any information that can identify the
               complainants or respondents, and will keep such information confidential. Only   •  Organised training sessions and post-training tests regarding the anti-
               those who are responsible for conducting investigations on the complaints may   corruption policy and other relevant guidelines and procedures for the
               have access to such information. In addition, they must keep the information,   executives and employees of the Company, as well as at the new employee
               complaints and documents in confidential and do not disclose information     orientations, in order to ensure that the Company’s personnel have true
               to anyone who is not involved, except as disclosed under the statutory duty.  understanding and can correctly conduct themselves accordingly. Such
                                                                                            training sessions were in the form of e-learning which were a part of the
               Corruption Risk Management                                                   Code of Business Conduct training of the Company;
               The Company realises the importance of risk management as well as corruption
               risk management, which can help the Company to perceive the risks that    •  Arranged training sessions on “Anti-Corruption Policy and Relating
               might arise from conducting business and can allow the Company to properly,   Procedures” for every new employee on the orientation day;
               adequately and timely prepare the response to such risks. For corruption risk
               management, the Company has conducted corruption risk evaluation for the   •  Conducted annual “Self-assessment Survey on BTS Group Business Ethics”
               Company and the main subsidiaries and arranged Corruption Risk Management    for executives and employees to ensure that the Company’s personnel
               Workshop for sections and departments including agents which are authorised   understand and are able to correctly and appropriately utilise the Company’s
               to engage with government officers, government agencies or any agencies for   policies during their work;
               related executives and employees to be able to establish appropriate internal
               measures or procedures. The results of the risk management have been      •  Arranged trainings and seminar courses organised by external organisations
               reported to the Board of Directors for consideration as well.                for the executives and employees of the Company in order to sufficiently
                                                                                            develop and improve the Company’s risk management and anti-corruption
                                                                                            measures to be more concise and efficient;
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