Page 187 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 187

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                  5.4 Internal Control and Related Party Transactions  185
               Annual Report 2021/22


               Internal Control                                                          to transactions which may be in conflict with the Company’s interest. As such,
               The Board of Directors is aware of the importance of having a good internal   the executives and employees can use those as guidelines for their conduct
               control system in order to ensure that the management and operational     and prevent transactions which may be in conflict with the best interest of the
               control of the Company is systematic and correspond to the objectives and   Company and the shareholders. Furthermore, the Company has established the
               long-term goals of the Group. The Management is responsible for setting   Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Business Conduct of the Group for
               the structure of the internal control system to cover the following aspects,   the directors, executives and employees of BTS Group to use as guidelines
               namely Control Environment, Risk Assessment, Control Activities, Information   in performing their duties with integrity and maintaining business ethics. The
               & Communication, and Monitoring Activities, implementing this system to   contents of the Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Business Conduct
               effectively achieve the objectives, as well as ensuring that the Company’s   relate to the corporate governance policy, business ethics, and policies on the
               internal control system is adequate and appropriate for the circumstances at   employees’ remuneration, benefits, and career development, including policies
               any point in time with continuous improvement and development.            on anti-corruption and bribery and sustainability. BTS Group has carried out
                                                                                         several activities in line with the sustainable development framework of the
               For 2021/22, the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on 13 June 2022         Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) through economic, environmental, and social
               acknowledged the evaluation results on the adequacy of the internal control   indicators. BTS Group has also set out appropriate penalties in case these
               system of the Audit Committee and agreed with the Audit Committee’s opinion   regulations or policies of the Group are violated.
               that the Company has adequate internal control system suitable for the business
               operation and has no material deficiency affecting the internal control system.   Risk Assessment
               In addition, the Company’s auditor reviewed the internal control system that   Risk management is an important component in BTS Group’s business
               is relevant to the preparation and the presentation of the Company’s financial   operations. The Company has a policy to manage the risks that affect its
               statements in order to provide an opinion that the financial statements present   business units and the Group within the established risk appetite and risk
               correctly, in all material respects, the financial position, results of operation,   tolerances in accordance with the good corporate governance principles and
               and cash flows in accordance with the financial reporting standards.      in line with the Group’s objectives, strategy, direction and goals.

               Control Environment                                                       The Company has established a Risk Management Committee to determine and
               The Company has clearly established the Company’s vision, mission, strategy,   review the enterprise risk management policy and framework of the Group, as
               business direction, and long-term goal and communicated these to all      well as supervising each business unit of the Group on the compliance with
               employees to use as guidelines in performing their functions. The Company   such enterprise risk management policy and framework. The Risk Management
               has also established the organisation chart, the chain of command, the    Committee presents the Group risk management report, including the key
               delegation of authority, and policies and procedures which are appropriate to   risk indicators status of the Group, to the Board of Directors at least on an
               the duties and responsibilities of each department, including policies relating   annual basis. Risk profiles are based on internal and external events that
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