Page 189 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                  5.4 Internal Control and Related Party Transactions  187
               Annual Report 2021/22

               the Internal Audit Office to review compliance with the internal control system   which cover activities such as operation management, procurement,
               regularly. To allow the internal auditors to perform their duties independently   marketing, administration, finance, accounting and human resources;
               and without bias, the Internal Audit Office is under direct supervision of the
               Audit Committee and reports to the Audit Committee directly.              •  Reliability of the internal control system as regards information and
                                                                                            communication, review the structure of the Information Technology
               Internal Audit Office                                                        Department, access to information, access to programmes, data processing,
               The Internal Audit Office is an independent unit in the Company and reports   system development, data backup, preparation of backup plans in case
               directly to the Audit Committee. The Internal Audit Office has responsibilities to   of emergency, authority of operation in the system, and production of
               examine and evaluate the sufficiency of the Company’s internal control system   documents from the system, including storage of documents, manuals,
               both financial and non-financial information, including reviewing compliance   and computer system flowchart; and
               with the internal policies and providing recommendations in order to develop
               and improve the Company’s operations. The objective is to ensure that the   •  Reliability of the internal control system with regard to anti-corruption in
               Company strictly abides by the laws and regulations, retains good corporate   order to be consistent with and correspond to the Company’s anti-corruption
               governance and good internal control, and achieves the operational objectives   measures, which shall support the Company’s business operation to be
               of the organisation.                                                         conducted with integrity and in a sustainable manner. The measures cover
                                                                                            a complaint receiving framework and a complaint management procedure in
               The Internal Audit Office prepares an annual plan and a 5-year long-term plan   order to provide complaint channels for employees and other stakeholders.
               based on the principles for the assessment of risks that affect the business   In this regard, a collaboration among relevant departments is established in
               operation and cover the operational process of the organisation. These plans   order to find solutions, set up preventive measures and provide employees
               are approved by the Audit Committee. The scope of work of the Internal       and other stakeholders with the complaint channel. The Internal Audit
               Audit Office covers auditing, monitoring, controlling, examining, reviewing,   Office is one of the channels to receive complaints. A complaint receiving
               and assessing the sufficiency and the effectiveness of the Company’s internal   manual has been prepared for general complaints, material adverse impact
               control system, including the performance quality of the following:          complaints and corruption and bribery related complaints. The Internal Audit
                                                                                            Office will monitor the progress on the handling of complaints and report
               •  Reliability of the internal control system as well as compliance with the   the same to the Audit Committee.
                  standards and finance and accounting policies to ensure that the accounting
                  and financial information is accurate and reliable and that the adopted   The Internal Audit Office presents the audit report to the Audit Committee on
                  organisation structure plan, procedures, and measures are sufficient for   a quarterly basis and regularly monitors the progress of the corrective actions
                  protecting the assets from all kinds of frauds and errors;             as per recommendations in order to ensure that the internal control system
                                                                                         is effective and efficient.
               •  Reliability of the internal control system in terms of management and
                  operation to ensure that they are consistent with the policies and plans and   The personnel of the Internal Audit Office are encouraged to develop their
                  are in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations of the   personal skills regularly by attending both internal and external training courses
                  government and supervisory authorities, including the Company’s regulations   to enhance their knowledge and internal audit professional skills, as well as
                                                                                         other skills necessary for performing their work.
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