Page 192 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 192

190                l Introduction l Nature of Business l Organisation and Shareholding Structure l Business Review l  Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

                                                                                             Transaction Value (THB million)
                   Related Party and
                                                            Description                                                         Rationale and Necessity
                 Nature of Relationship                                                     2021/22   2020/21   2019/20
                                         •  The only asset of EGV Co., Ltd. is its ITV Public
                                           Company Limited shares, which were pledged as
                                           collateral to the Company’s financial institution
                                           creditor at no cost. Therefore, the Company will
                                           proceed to have EGV Co., Ltd. transfer these
                                           shares to the Company for debt settlement when
                                           the Company transfers assets and cash collateral to
                                           repay its debt to such financial institution creditor.
                                         •  Transactions for the year consisting of:
                                              Interest income                                 -        0.1       0.1
                                              Allowance for doubtful debt                     -        (0.1)     (0.1)
                                         •  Outstanding balances consisting of:
                                              Loans                                           -        4.0       4.0

             HHT Construction Co., Ltd.   1)  HHT has entered into an agreement for the earth                            •  As the COVID-19 pandemic has
             (“HHT”) and K.V.S.A Holding   filling of the Sathupradit Land Development project,                             impacted Thailand’s economics,
             Co., Ltd.                     having a total area of approximately 6,900 square                                as well as HHT, the entry into
             •  HHT is a subsidiary of the   meters, with K.V.S.A Holding Co., Ltd. starting from                           the agreements helped to reduce
                Company.                   18 October 2021 to 17 December 2021, with the total                              HHT’s personnel cost and reduce
                                           value of Baht 8.41 million (excluding VAT).                                      its financial cost and financial
             •  Mr. Kavin Kanjanapas, the
                Executive Director, Chief  •  Transactions for the year consisting of:                                      risk since such earth filling and
                Executive Officer, and        Service expenses                               8.41       -         -         piling services agreements provide
                                                                                                                            favorable terms and conditions
                Chief Officer of MATCH   •  Outstanding balances consisting of:                                             to HHT, for example, a shorter
                Business, has held 4.59%      Other receivables                              8.41       -         -         term of payment, exemptions
                of the total numbers of                                                                                     of  the  advance  payment  bond
                shares having voting     2)  HHT has entered into an agreement for the piling                               and performance bond, etc. The
                rights of the Company as   services of the Sathupradit land development project,                            consideration is a fair rate and
                of the book closure date   having a total area of approximately 6,900 square                                comparable with the market price.
                of 31 March 2022.          meters, with K.V.S.A Holding Co., Ltd. starting from 1
                                           February 2022 to 16 April 2022, with the total value of
                                           Baht 6 million (excluding VAT).
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