Page 196 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 196

194                l  Introduction  l  Nature of Business  l  Organisation and Shareholding Structure  l  Business Review  l  Corporate Governance  l  Financial Statements  l  Other Information  l


            Report on the Responsibilities of the Board of Directors for              The Board of Directors has also appointed the Audit Committee, entirely
            the Financial Report                                                      comprised of Independent Directors, to oversee the accuracy and adequacy of

            The Board of Directors of BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited is    the financial reporting process as well as review the suitability and efficiency of
            responsible for the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries,   the internal control and independence of the internal audit system. The opinion
            which have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting   of the Audit Committee is shown in the Audit Committee Report contained in
            standards (GAAP) in Thailand under the Accounting Profession Act B.E.     this Annual Report.
            2547, and the presented in compliance with stipulations under Accounting
            Act B.E. 2543. The Board is aware of the accounting policies and believes   In the opinion of the Board, the audited financial statements and accompanying
            that these are appropriate and have been consistently applied. The notes   notes show essential and accurately the financial status, performance and
            to the financial statements disclose details of useful and material financial   cash flow of the Company during the reporting period in accordance with
            information supported by reasonable and prudent judgments and estimations   GAAP, and that the management discussion and analysis offer a fair and
            where necessary. The Company’s external auditor has audited the financial   relevant view of the business performance of the Company. Further, that the
            statements and expressed an unqualified opinion in the auditor’s report.   Company has established and maintains a system of corporate governance
                                                                                      and internal controls that give reasonable assurance on the integrity of the
            The Board of Directors further recognises the importance of presenting a   financial reporting procedures.
            comprehensive view of the Company’s financial position and has reviewed
            and included in this annual report, the Management’s discussion and analysis
            report on the Company’s business performance for the benefit of shareholders
            and other stakeholders.

            The Board is also responsible for overseeing that an effective system of
            corporate governance, including risk management, internal controls and
            compliance is put in place in order to have reasonable assurance that the
            financial records of the Company are accurate and complete. The Board        MR. KEEREE KANJANAPAS                  MR. KAVIN KANJANAPAS
            evaluates the adequacy of the internal controls system on an annual basis.   Chairman of the Board of Directors         Executive Director
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