Page 199 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 199

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                             6.2 Independent Auditor’s Report  197
               Annual Report 2021/22

               I examined the transactions above by gaining an understanding of the process   testing the calculation and considering the relevant opinions of the Group’s legal
               of management’s consideration of the service concession arrangements      advisors which has been used in consideration of the aforementioned matters.
               to determine whether the management understood the agreements, and        I also have considered disclosures of significant information of these matters.
               management’s exercise  of judgement in  analysing the contents  of the
               agreements and the recording of the transactions in accordance with the scope   Impairment of investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and
               of Thai Financial Reporting Standard Interpretations 12 Service Concession   associates
               Arrangements. We also examined the recognition of revenues from construction   As at 31 March 2022, the Group had investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures
               and installation services and train procurement services by reading the   and associates which are significant to the financial statements as discussed
               agreements to consider the conditions relating to revenue recognition, made   in Notes 14, 15 and 16 to the financial statements. The determination of
               enquiry of responsible executives, gained an understanding of the Group’s   impairment of investments are significant accounting estimates requiring
               process of making cost estimates for projects, and checked estimates of project   management to exercise a high degree of judgment in assessing impairment
               costs to the project budgets. We checked actual costs against supporting   indicators and recording impairment of investments.
               documents, tested the calculation of the percentage of completion based on
               actual costs incurred and compared the percentage of completion as evaluated   I performed audit procedures by gaining an understanding in assessing
               by the counter parties or independent experts to the percentage of completion   impairment indicators and considering the identification of cash generating units
               based on actual costs incurred. In addition, we also examined the recognition   and the financial models selected by management, by gaining an understanding
               of revenues from provision of operation and maintenance services to determine   of management’s decision-making process, as well as testing the significant
               whether it was compliant with the agreements including related interest income   assumptions applied by management in preparing estimates of the cash flows
               by reading and gaining understand the agreements and considered the actual   expected to be realised from the assets in the future, by comparing those
               service to be in accordance with the details stipulated in the agreements,   assumptions to information from both internal and external sources of the entity
               understand the assumptions for the relevant revenue recognition including   and comparing past cash flow projections to actual operating results in order
               examining evidence of services rendered provided by the Group and receiving   to evaluate the cash flow projections. I also evaluated the discount rate applied
               services from relevant government authority and testing the calculation of   by the management through analysis of the weighted average cost of capital
               revenues and interest.
                                                                                         of the entity, tested the calculation of the financial models and considered
                                                                                         the appropriateness of the recoverable amounts (the higher of fair value less
               In addition, I have audited the balance of such transactions by sending a   cost of disposal and value in use) of the assets. Moreover, I reviewed the
               letter confirming the balance of the debtor and reconciling the difference   disclosures made with respect to the impairment assessment for investments.
               that occurred which were verified with related documents, and considered
               allowance for impairment of the debtor and classification of the transaction by
               understanding and inquiring about facts and assumptions used by the Group,
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