Page 203 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 203

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                                   6.3 Financial Statements  201
               Annual Report 2021/22

                 6.3       FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


               BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                       (Unit: Baht)
                                                                                      Consolidated f nancial statements        Separate f nancial statements
                                                                             Note   As at 31 March 2022  As at 31 March 2021  As at 31 March 2022  As at 31 March 2021
               Current assets
               Cash and cash equivalents                                       7         4,094,088,618    3,828,861,064         1,708,534,857     1,308,340,354
               Cash to be received from clearing house - share subscription of subsidiary  14.3    6,668,541,685    -                     -                 -
               Receivable from subscription for newly issued ordinary shares of subsidiary  14.3   6,248,206,875    -                     -                 -
               Bank account for advances from cardholders                                 560,466,201       558,697,733                   -                 -
               Trade and other receivables                                     8         1,094,558,473      957,297,472           94,887,180       246,955,155
               Inventories                                                     9          379,737,456        19,729,326                   -                 -
               Receivable from sales of land                                  19         1,302,026,123              -           1,302,026,123               -
               Receivable under agreements with government authority         10.1          88,568,142        16,220,029                   -                 -
               Receivables due in the future under agreements with government authorities  10.2   13,027,510    23,774,094                -                 -
               Receivable under purchase and installation of operating system agreements  11   69,100,981    167,463,931                  -                 -
               Accrued income                                                             179,471,726       206,644,781             9,129,500               -
               Short-term loans to related parties                             6            3,000,000        2,500,000                    -                 -
               Current portion of long-term loans to related parties           6           14,781,500               -           2,393,569,565     5,576,985,520
               Real estate development costs                                  12          596,940,340       601,551,550          596,940,340       601,551,550
               Prepaid expenses                                                           152,589,464       406,685,579            15,173,639       15,980,814
               Other current financial assets                                 13         1,020,999,029    2,887,964,446           784,415,653     1,605,425,384
               Other current assets                                                       667,274,740       393,623,923            32,420,984       26,208,832
                                                                                        23,153,378,863    10,071,013,928        6,937,097,841     9,381,447,609
               Assets classified as held for sale                                                 -       4,086,353,719                   -         91,048,992

               Total current assets                                                     23,153,378,863    14,157,367,647        6,937,097,841     9,472,496,601
               The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
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