Page 205 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                                   6.3 Financial Statements  203
               Annual Report 2021/22

               BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                                       (Unit: Baht)
                                                                                      Consolidated f nancial statements        Separate f nancial statements
                                                                             Note   As at 31 March 2022  As at 31 March 2021  As at 31 March 2022  As at 31 March 2021
               Liabilities and shareholders' equity
               Current liabilities
               Short-term loans from financial institutions                   24        17,644,954,632     3,500,000,000         6,500,000,000    3,500,000,000
               Bills of exchange payables                                     25        18,975,584,210    13,980,555,135        18,975,584,210    13,980,555,135
               Trade and other payables                                       26         4,497,510,768     5,814,967,052          750,620,019      710,149,781
               Advances received from cardholders                                         432,317,074       480,150,318                   -                 -
               Advances received and unearned revenues                                    231,305,264       648,757,154             7,427,091               -
               Income tax payable                                                         516,119,427      1,532,756,757                  -         129,046,086
               Short-term loans from related parties                           6          799,000,000       974,000,000           818,625,000     4,173,454,900
               Current portion of long-term loans                             27          244,500,000      1,158,987,662                  -                 -
               Current portion of long-term debentures                        28         3,299,452,594     3,199,628,774         3,299,452,594      999,911,593
               Current portion of long-term lease liabilities                 29          214,442,568       199,493,781            65,787,736        54,305,302
               Short-term provisions                                          31           25,840,006          997,635                    -                 -
               Other current financial liabilities                            32           62,455,512       207,604,882            23,337,634        49,461,456
               Other current liabilities                                                  580,943,899       572,211,797            17,813,571       28,563,088
               Total current liabilities                                                47,524,425,954    32,270,110,947        30,458,647,855    23,625,447,341
               Non-current liabilities
               Unearned revenues                                                          481,381,645       545,886,708                   -                 -
               Long-term loans from related parties                            6          100,632,500               -                     -                 -
               Long-term loans - net of current portion                       27        54,215,306,699    44,336,872,781                  -                 -
               Long-term debentures - net of current portion                  28        56,003,059,554    46,313,166,588        41,714,240,006    32,020,803,103
               Long-term lease liabilities - net of current portion           29          877,843,444       892,112,306           236,034,334       247,935,135
               Retention payable                                                          353,434,714       376,278,145            2,680,293        11,158,376
               Provision for long-term employee benefits                      30         1,771,584,612     1,696,244,807          152,246,270      136,739,424
               Long-term provisions                                           31         1,183,870,829     1,279,434,208                  -                 -
               Deferred tax liabilities                                       44         3,181,850,019     3,075,187,700          620,785,513       808,215,701
               Other non-current financial liabilities                        32         2,075,760,839     3,731,776,446                  -                 -
               Other non-current liabilities                                             1,969,890,323     1,521,185,072            2,725,921        3,392,895
               Total non-current liabilities                                           122,214,615,178    103,768,144,761       42,728,712,337    33,228,244,634
               Total liabilities                                                       169,739,041,132    136,038,255,708       73,187,360,192    56,853,691,975
               The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
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