Page 193 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 193

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                  5.4 Internal Control and Related Party Transactions  191
               Annual Report 2021/22

                                                                                                 Transaction Value (THB million)
                          Related Party and
                                                                    Description                                                    Rationale and Necessity
                        Nature of Relationship                                                  2021/22   2020/21   2019/20

                  In addition,  he  is the  son  of  •  Transactions for the year consisting of:                              •  The Audit Committee Meeting
                   Mr. Keeree Kanjanapas, the            Service expenses                        1.12        -         -         No. 2/2022 held on 27 May 2022
                   Chairman, Chairman of the Executive   •  Outstanding balances consisting of:                                  was of the opinion that the
                   Committee and a major shareholder     Other receivables                       1.12        -         -         aforementioned transactions is
                   of the Company.                                                                                               reasonable and highly beneficial

                •  Mr. Kavin Kanjanapas is also                                                                                  to the Company.
                   the director and major shareholder
                   holding 100% of shares in K.V.S.A
                   Holding Co., Ltd.

               Measures or Procedures for Approving Related Party Transactions           If there is any related party transaction between the Company or its subsidiary
               All related party transactions must be approved by the Audit Committee and   and a connected person or a person who may have a conflict of interest or a
               the Board of Directors or the shareholders’ meeting, as the case may be, in   conflict of any kind, the Company will request the Audit Committee to review
               accordance with the Notification of the Board of Governors of the SET Re:   and give opinion on the necessity and appropriateness of such transaction.
               Disclosure of Information and Other Acts of Listed Companies Concerning the   Moreover, if the Audit Committee does not have expertise to review such
               Connected Transactions B.E. 2546 (2003) (as amended) and the Notification   transaction, the Company will have an independent expert, independent
               of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. TorJor. 21/2551 Re: Rules on   financial advisor, or the Company’s auditor provide opinion on such transaction,
               Connected Transactions (as amended), as well as laws on securities and    so that the Board of Directors or the shareholders, as the case may be, can use
               exchange, regulations, notifications, orders or requirements of the SET relating   such opinion to support their decision making. In case where the related party
               to the execution of connected transactions or transactions which may create   transaction is proposed for the shareholders’ meeting’s approval, the Company
               a conflict of interest or the relevant regulations that are applicable at such   shall appoint an independent financial advisor to report and give opinion on the
               time (the “Relevant Rules and Regulations on Related Party Transactions”).  execution of such transaction to the shareholders. The Company will disclose
                                                                                         the related party transactions in the remarks of the financial statements as
                                                                                         audited by the Company’s auditor, the Annual Registration Statement / Annual
               Policy and Outlook for Future Related Party Transactions
                                                                                         Report (Form 56-1 One Report) of the Company.
               The Company may need to enter into related party transactions with connected
               person(s) or person(s) who may have a conflict of interest in the future. In such
               an event, the Company will determine the transaction terms and conditions to
               correspond with the general trading conditions and market price comparable to
               those offered to third parties. The Company will also comply with the Relevant
               Rules and Regulations on Related Party Transactions.
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