Page 188 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 188

186               l Introduction l Nature of Business l Organisation and Shareholding Structure l Business Review l  Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

            impact both the business units and the Group levels, covering strategic risks,   or its subsidiaries and the persons who may have a conflict of interest shall be
            operational risks, financial risks and compliance risks, as well as assessment   in compliance with the relevant rules and regulations and must be made on
            on environmental, social and governance issues and emerging risks. The    reasonable terms or general commercial conditions or in line with the market
            Risk Management Committee reviews and closely monitors the risks of the   price. In addition, the transactions shall be transacted at arm’s length basis
            business units to ensure that BTS Group is proactive in risk management in   and the related party transactions shall be presented to the Audit Committee
            order to mitigate the potential impacts on the Group’s business operations.  for review on a quarterly basis. Further information on measures or procedures
                                                                                      for approving related party transactions of the Company, policy and outlook for
            The Audit Committee considers, reviews and evaluates the risk assessment   related party transactions and policies relating to potential conflict of interest
            process of the Company on a quarterly basis and has provided suggestions,   transactions can be found in Section Related Party Transactions in this report.
            guidance and supporting governance process to the Board of Directors and
            the Risk Management Committee in order to ensure that the risk assessment   Information & Communication
            process and controls of the Company are effective.                        The Company organises its information system to cover the Company’s

                                                                                      performance at the organisational level, the financial reporting level, the
            Control Activities                                                        business unit level, and the policy and regulation implementation level. This
            The Company has put in place written risk control measures, e.g. the scope   is to ensure that the Company has effective communication and provides the
            of authority and threshold of approval in each level of management, policies   Board of Directors, executives, employees, shareholders, investors and all
            and procedures on the approval of financial, procurement, and management   stakeholders with correct, accurate, and complete information. Furthermore,
            transactions. The Company also implements the procurement management      the Company also provides channels for employees and outsiders to report
            information system (ProMis) to control transactions relating to finance,   any complaint to the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee or the relevant
            procurement, and management, such as budget, purchase requisition (PR), and   business units. Further information on whistleblowing and complaint channels
            purchase order (PO). The role of the person who prepares the information and   can be found in Section 5.1 Corporate Governance Policy in this report.
            the person who approves the transaction will be separated and the authority
            of the approvers will be as delegated by ranking in the Chart of Delegation of   Monitoring Activities
            Authority. This is to ensure effective cross-checking and monitoring. In addition,   The Company reviews and improves the internal control system to correspond
            each department has prepared its own operational manuals and work instructions   with the change of internal and external factors constantly. To achieve this, the
            that are tailored to their job descriptions, duties, and responsibilities.   Company monitors and evaluates the internal control system regularly in order
                                                                                      to consider whether the performance results are in line with the determined
            The Company does not have a policy to do business with its directors,     business plan, budget, and business goal of the Company. Operational
            executives, major shareholders or any related persons thereof, except where   guidelines are also discussed and proposed so that the Company can make
            there is a necessary cause or it will support the Company’s business, and it will   rectifications in a timely manner. If any significant error in the internal control
            be in the best interest of the Company and its shareholders in general. If there   system is found, the relevant person must immediately report the same to the
            is such a transaction, the Company has established strict and clear measures   Board of Directors and/or the Audit Committee to explain the cause, propose
            governing the transactions with the directors, executives, major shareholders or   a solution, monitor the rectification, and report to the Board of Directors and/or
            their related persons which require that the transactions between the Company   the Audit Committee within the given period. In addition, the Company assigns
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