Page 184 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 184

182               l Introduction l Nature of Business l Organisation and Shareholding Structure l Business Review l  Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

            •  Anti-corruption policy, guidelines and procedures, which cover sponsorship   Since 2018, the Company has declared a policy to “abstain from receiving gifts”
               support, charitable contribution, political contribution, prohibition of offering   from business related parties, third parties, and public officers in every occasion
               and accepting of bribes from government officials or government agencies,   (“No Gift Policy”) to guide its personnel to perform their duties with integrity by
               gift giving and receiving, and hospitality and expense business;       not demanding or expecting any benefits from the related parties, and treating
                                                                                      those with fairness and equality. The Company communicates the policy to all
            •  Whistle blowing policy and protection measures; and                    related parties, both internally and externally, for their acknowledgement by
                                                                                      circulation of notification letter to all suppliers of the Company, publication of
            •  Fraud Risk Management Procedure, which is a supplement of the          the policy on the Company’s website and dissemination of the same through
               Anti-Corruption Measures.                                              the internal media of the organisation.

            The Company requires that the Board of Directors, the executives, and     Moreover, as a continued commitment on anti-corruption of the Group, the
            employees of the Company strictly follow the Company’s Anti-Corruption    Company has been awarded the first recertification of membership of Thai
            Measures by avoiding involvement with all forms of corruption, whether directly   Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC) on 5 November 2018.
            or indirectly, and not being negligent of any corruption involving the Company.
                                                                                      In addition, in 2019, the Company has added a policy on a ban from facilitation
            Measures, policies guidelines and procedures above have been updated on an   payment (Facilitation Payment Policy) in the Anti-Corruption Measures in order
            annual basis at least once a year and have all been considered and approved   to prevent the risk of corruption from interacting with government officials.
            by the sustainability committee and the board of directors and publicised the
            Anti-Corruption Measures on our website.                                  In 2021, the Company has been awarded the second recertification of
                                                                                      membership of Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC).
            Key Development on Anti-corruption
            On 22 January 2016, the Company had been awarded the certification of     More information can be found in Anti-Corruption Measures (consolidated
            membership of Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC),   version, including Whistle blowing policy and protection measures) on the
            which shows BTS Group’s strong intention to operate its business with honesty,   Company’s website at
            integrity, transparency, and fairness, as well as adhering to good corporate   policy/20200619-bts-anti-corrpution-2020-en.pdf.
            governance principles under the international framework and practices and
            refusing to all forms of corruption, including the prohibition of offering and   Corruption Reporting and Whistleblowing Channels
            accepting of bribes from government officials or government agencies. In   The Company sets out three main channels for the Company’s personnel and
            addition, the Company has communicated the same intention to companies    business partners to report any acts that are suspicious of corruption within
            under BTS Group by encouraging and supporting these companies to manage   the Company as follows:
            and operate their businesses with transparency and against all forms of
            corruption. For example, VGI, a subsidiary in MIX business, has declared its
            intention and has been awarded the certification of membership of Thai Private
            Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC) as well.
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