Page 182 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 182

180                l Introduction l Nature of Business l Organisation and Shareholding Structure l Business Review l  Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

            The Company Secretary shall keep and maintain the Report Forms submitted   the securities of the Company, subsidiaries, and associated companies, and
            by the directors and executives and deliver a copy of the same to the Chairman   also forbid the disclosure of inside information to outsiders or non-relevant
            of the Board of Directors and the Chairman of the Audit Committee within   persons before disclosing the same through the SET.
            seven business days from the date of receipt by the Company for further use
            in the verification and monitoring of conflicts of interest.              Guideline on Protection of Inside Information

                                                                                      In order to provide a clear guideline and to be in line with the amendment
            Supervision on the Use of Inside Information                              of the Securities and Exchange Act, the Board of Directors has set out an
            The Company has established a policy on the protection of inside information   additional guideline on the protection of inside information from misuse, which
            by prohibiting the directors, executives, and employees of the Group, as well   applies to the Company, subsidiaries and associated companies under BTS
            as their related persons, from using inside information for the benefit of trading   Group. Details are as follows:

                                                                                                                  Blackout Period
                        Subjected Persons             Prohibited Securities from Trading
                                                                                                For the disclosure         For any matters that may affect the
                                                                                              of financial statements              securities price
             -  The Company, subsidiaries, associated  Securities of the Company, subsidiaries,     One month prior to the date of the Board  14 days prior to the date of the Board
                companies                          and associated companies             of Directors’ meeting that is proposed to  of Directors’ meeting that is proposed
             -  Directors, executives, employees, and/or                                approve the financial statements until one  to approve the matter that may affect
                any relevant persons of the Company,                                    business day after the disclosure of such  the securities price until one business
                subsidiaries, and associated companies                                  financial statements through the disclosure  day after the disclosure of such matter
                who are in charge of or have access to                                  portal of the SET                 through the disclosure portal of the SET
                inside information

            Securities Holding of Directors and Executives                            To ensure the Company is managed in the interests of the shareholders, the
            The directors and executives of the Company (including their spouses and   Company encourages the Chief Executive Officer to build up and/or maintain
            minor children) are required to report any change in their securities holding   share ownership in the Company of 10 times of the annual base salary. Such
            to the SEC Office within 3 business days from the date of such change. This   share ownership guideline will help align the interests of the Chief Executive
            is to comply with Section 59 of the Securities and Exchange Act. In addition,   Officer with those of the Company and the shareholders.
            the directors and executives shall also provide a copy of such report to
            the Company Secretary Office. The Company Secretary Office shall then
            consolidate, and present such report to the Board of Directors’ meetings on
            a quarterly basis.
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