Page 191 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 191

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                  5.4 Internal Control and Related Party Transactions  189
               Annual Report 2021/22

                                                                                                 Transaction Value (THB million)
                       Related Party and
                                                                 Description                                                       Rationale and Necessity
                      Nature of Relationship                                                    2021/22   2020/21   2019/20
                The Company and EGV Co., Ltd.   •  Loan, of which THB 4 million is the principal and                          •  This transaction occurred a

                •  Mr. Keeree Kanjanapas, the     the rest is the interest thereon. The Company is                              long time ago. It is a normal
                   Chairman, Chairman of the      still charging the interest at the rate equivalent                            transaction,  of  which  the
                   Executive Committee, and       to its financial cost. However, the Company has                               interest rate is equivalent to the
                   a major shareholder of the     already made a provision for doubtful debts for                               Company’s borrowing cost.
                   Company, was a director and    the full amount due to the fact that EGV Co., Ltd.                          •  The Audit Committee has
                   a major shareholder holding    ceased its operation and the Company views that                               reviewed  the transaction as
                   40% shares in EGV Co., Ltd.    the opportunity to receive repayment is low.                                  regards the appropriateness of
                •  In 2021, Mr. Keeree Kanjanapas   •  EGV Co., Ltd. is a company incorporated in 1994                          the monitoring and collection
                   has resigned from the directorship   for investment in Siam Infotainment Co., Ltd.,                          process, the evaluation of the
                   and is no longer a shareholder   currently known as ITV Public Company Limited.                              transaction status, and the
                   of EGV Co., Ltd.            •  In 1995, EGV Co., Ltd. borrowed money from the                                evaluation of the debtors’ debt
                                                  Company at the interest rate equivalent to the                                servicing capability, as well
                                                  financial cost of the Company in order to invest                              as the appropriateness of the
                                                  in ITV Public Company Limited. EGV Co., Ltd.                                  provisions for doubtful debts to
                                                  pledged all of its shares in ITV Public Company                               cover losses that may occur.
                                                  Limited as collateral for the Company’s debt. Later
                                                  in 2002, the Company entered into a business
                                                  rehabilitation. The financial institution creditor, who
                                                  was the pledgee of ITV Public Company Limited’s
                                                  shares, filed a petition for repayment of debt with
                                                  the official receiver. The official receiver ordered
                                                  that such financial institution creditor would receive
                                                  only a part of the debt. Such financial institution
                                                  creditor filed an objection against the official
                                                  receiver’s order with the Central Bankruptcy Court.
                                                 In August 2016, the Supreme Court rendered a
                                                  final judgement. At present, it is in the process of
                                                  transferring assets and cash collateral in order to
                                                  repay the debt to such creditor.
                                               •  The financial institution has assigned all of its
                                                  claims to another financial institution.
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