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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                     5.3 Corporate Governance Perfomance Report  173
               Annual Report 2021/22

                                                                                         Assessment of the performance of the chairman of the executive committee
                                Assessment                      Average score (%)
                                                                                         and the chief executive officer: The Nomination and Remuneration Committee
                Nomination and Remuneration Committee                98.61               evaluated the performance of the Chairman of the Executive Committee and
                Sustainability Committee                             97.33               the Chief Executive Officer based on the evaluation criteria, which are divided
                Risk Management Committee                            92.80               into 3 sections, i.e. Section I: Key Business Success (where the success of
                Executive Committee                                  97.59               activities and projects in the past year would be taken into account), Section
                                                                                         II: Performance Measures, and Section III: Personal Development of the
               Assessment  of  the  performance  of  the  board  of  directors  and  the   Chairman of the Executive Committee / Chief Executive Officer. The assessment
               subcommittees by independent advisor: The Company encourages the Board    score is calculated in percentage to the total score: 90 - 100% = Excellent,
               of Directors to engage an independent advisor to conduct the performance   76 - 89% = Very Good, 66 - 75% = Food, 50 - 65% = Fair, and below 50%
               evaluation of the Board of Directors at least every 3 years in order to increase   = Improvement Needed.
               the Board of Directors’ efficiency in performing the duties in accordance with
               the corporate governance principles.                                      In 2021/22, the average score of the Chairman of the Executive Committee
                                                                                         was 99.72% and the average score of the Chief Executive Officer was 99.26%.
               In 2022, the Company has re-engaged KPMG Phoomchai Business Advisory
               Limited to evaluate the annual performance of the Board of Directors and   Meetings of the board of directors and the subcommittees: The Board
               the subcommittees (for the fiscal year 1 April 2021 - 31 March 2022), which   of Directors will hold more than 6 meetings in each fiscal year pursuant to
               has been carried out consecutively for the second time since the year 2019,   the annual meeting schedule set in advance. The Company promotes and
               pursuant to the guidelines of the 2017 Corporate Governance Code for Listed   encourages each director to attend the Board of Directors’ meeting at least 75%
               Companies of the Securities and Exchange Commission.                      of the total number of meetings in each fiscal year, except in case of necessity
                                                                                         and emergency. The Company will provide the meeting materials to the

               The evaluation was divided into 2 sections, i.e. (1) due diligence and (2)   directors in advance at least 5 business days prior to the meeting to allow the
               questionnaires and director interview. The evaluation covers various topics,   directors to have sufficient time to study the information beforehand. As regards
               including but not limited to the structure and qualifications of the board of   the subcommittees, the Audit Committee will hold a meeting on a quarterly
               directors, chairman’s roles and responsibilities, selection and nomination,   basis and may call additional meetings as necessary and appropriate while
               remuneration, roles and responsibilities of the board of directors, investment   the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Sustainability Committee,
               in subsidiary and associated company, performance evaluation, skill and   and the Risk Management Committee will hold at least two meetings in each
               knowledge, and information management and company secretary, etc., totalling   fiscal year and may call additional meetings as necessary and appropriate.
               130 principles. From the assessment of the 130 principles in the year 2021/22,   The Executive Committee will hold its meetings regularly as it deems
               the Company complies with all principles that are appropriate to the Company’s   appropriate. In addition, the non-executive directors will hold a meeting at
               business context. However, there are some areas that can be improved to   least once a year, without the attendance or participation from the executive
               enhance Board effectiveness and meet best practice practices.             directors or the Management in order to allow a discussion on any issues of
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