Page 21 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                    1.5 Important Events during the Past Three Years  19
               Annual Report 2021/22

               2019                                                                      2020
               March                                                                     January
                • VGI established a joint venture named VGI AnyMind Technology Company   • The issuance of Master Ad PCL (MACO)’s newly issued shares to PlanB at
                  Limited, a joint venture between AdAsia Holdings and others (51%) and     1,080mn shares has diluted VGI’s shareholding in MACO from 33.17% to
                  VGI (49%) - to leverage technology with digital Out-of-Home (OOH) media   26.55%. Furthermore, VGI has reduced representatives in MACO’s Board
                  to provide dynamic and highly targeted ads offline and online.            of Directors to 2 out of 7 persons; thus, resulted in the change of MACO’s
                • VGI acquired 18.6% stake in Plan B Media PCL (PlanB), Thailand’s leading  status from a subsidiary to an associate company of VGI.
                  OOH advertising media provider.
               April – May                                                               March – April
                • VGI acquired 25% in Ads Chao Phraya Company Limited, an outdoor        • Rabbit Care Company Limited (formerly known as Rabbit Internet Company
                  media provider on boats and ports along Chao Phraya River.                Limited), a subsidiary of VGI, expanded its insurance brokerage business
                • VGI jointly established V-Click Technology Company Limited - a joint      by investing 100% in Asia Direct Insurance Broker Company Limited,
                  venture between iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited (49%), VGI (30%) and  an online and tele-sales motor insurance broker.
                  others (21%) - to capture advertising opportunities in the Chinese consumer  • BSS Holdings Company Limited (BSSH), a subsidiary of VGI, entered into
                  market.                                                                   an agreement to form a joint venture named Rabbit Cash Company Limited
                                                                                            (RCash) between BSSH (77%), AEON Thana Sinsap (Thailand) PCL (18%)
               August                                                                       and Humanica PCL (Humanica) (5%) – to leverage from VGI Group’s data
                                                                                            and technology with partnerships’ network to create an easy and safe
                • VGI jointly established SLV Retail Company Limited (SLV) – a joint venture  solutions for consumer to access funding. Rabbit Cash aims to launch
                  between SAHA Lawson Company Limited (60%), VGI (30%) and SAHA             a welfare loan for interested employees under Humanica management
                  Pathana Inter-Holding PCL (10%) – to operate Lawson 108 convenience       for over 700,000 people and expects to develop other financial products
                  stores along our mass transit platform as well as offering Rabbit card and  within 2022.
                  Rabbit LINE Pay as an option for cashless payments.
                                                                                         • VGI, through  BSSH  successfully  acquired  51.0% in  Fanslink
                                                                                            Communication Company Limited (Fanslink), an Omni-channel
                                                                                            e-Commerce service provider and leading brand management for Chinese
                                                                                            brands. This partnership will be a major opportunity for both companies to
                                                                                            broaden their business capabilities.
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