Page 228 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 228

226                l  Introduction  l  Nature of Business  l  Organisation and Shareholding Structure  l  Business Review  l  Corporate Governance  l  Financial Statements  l  Other Information  l

                  Revenues from sales                                                       Other income

                  Revenues from sales of land, land and houses and condominium units        Management income is recognised when services have been rendered,
                  are recognised at the point in time when control of the real estate is    with reference to the term of the contract, excluding value added tax.
                  transferred to the buyer, generally upon transfer of the legal ownership.
                  Revenue from sales of real estate is measured at the amount of the        Dividends are recognised when the right to receive the payment is
                  consideration received after deducting discounts and considerations       established.
                  payable to the buyer. The terms of payment are in accordance with the
                  payment schedule specified in the buyer contract.                         Finance cost

                                                                                            Interest expense from financial liabilities at amortised cost is calculated
                  Revenue from sale of goods is recognised at the point in time when        using the effective interest method and recognised on an accrual basis.
                  control of the asset is transferred to the customer, generally on delivery
                  of the goods. Revenue is measured at the amount of the consideration
                  received or receivable, excluding value added tax of goods supplied   4.2  Cash and cash equivalents
                  after deducting returns, discounts, allowances and price promotions to      Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash in hand and at banks, and
                  customers.                                                                all highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or
                                                                                            less and not subject to withdrawal restrictions.
                  Vendors income

                  The Group has agreements with vendors as normal business practice,   4.3  Real estate development costs
                  for volume-related allowances, and sale promotion campaign and            Real estate development costs are valued at the lower of cost and net
                  marketing allowances. Vendors income is recognised when all obligations   realisable value.
                  are met and can be measured reliably based on the terms of the contract.
                  Portion of vendors income is recognised as a reduction in cost of sales      Real estate development costs consist of the costs of land, land
                  and inventory. Uncollected amount are presented in the statements of      development, project management fees, design, construction and related
                  financial position as “Other receivables” or otherwise are offset with    interest.
                  “Trade account payables” depending on the condition in the contracts.
                                                                                      4.4  Inventories
                  Interest income                                                           Inventories are valued at the lower of cost under the weighted average
                  Other interest income is calculated using the effective interest method   method and net realisable value.
                  and recognised on an accrual basis. The effective interest rate is applied
                  to the gross carrying amount of a financial asset, unless the financial   4.5  Cost to fulf ll a contract
                  assets subsequently become credit-impaired when it is applied to the      The Group recognises cost to fulfill a contract with a customer which
                  net carrying amount of the financial asset (net of the expected credit    generate or enhance resources of the entity that will be used in satisfying
                  loss allowance).                                                          performance obligations in the future and the costs are expected to be
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