Page 227 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 227

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                    6.4 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements  225
               Annual Report 2021/22

                     The obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which      Other service revenue is recognised when services have been rendered
                     the Group has received consideration (or an amount of consideration       taking into account the stage of completion.
                     is due) from the customer is presented under the caption of “Unearned
                     income” in the statement of financial position. Contract liabilities are      Revenues from contracting works
                     recognised as revenue when the Group performs under the contract.
                                                                                               Revenues from construction, installation and train procurement services

                     Commissions  paid  or  discounts  given  to  counterparties  who  are      Revenues from construction, installation and train procurement services
                     considered to be customers of the Group are recorded net of revenues      are recognised on a percentage of completion basis. The percentage of
                     from advertising services and volume rebates given to counterparties who   completion is measured based on comparison of actual costs incurred
                     are considered to be agents of the Group (which are not the customers     up to the end of the period and total anticipated costs to be incurred
                     of the Group) are recorded as selling expenses.                           to completion.

                     Service income                                                            Revenue from system installation services is recognised upon completion
                                                                                               of services which control of the assets created has not yet been
                     Revenue from service provision of customer information online is          transferred to the customers.
                     recognised when control of the asset or service are transferred to
                     the customer. Revenue is measured at the amount received or expected      The recognised revenue which is not yet due per the contracts has been
                     receivable of the asset or service transferred, after deducting return    presented under the caption of “Accrued income” in the statement
                     and discounts.
                                                                                               of financial position. The amounts recognised are reclassified to trade
                                                                                               receivables when the right to consideration is unconditional such as
                     Insurance brokerage income is recognised on the date the insurance        upon completion of services and acceptance by the customer.
                     policy comes into effect and when services have been rendered, net of
                     allowances for policy cancellation.
                                                                                               The obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which has
                                                                                               received consideration (or an amount of consideration is due) from the
                     Revenues from golf course services consist of membership fees and         customer is presented under the caption of “Advance/Unearned revenue”
                     upfront fees. The Group has charged the membership fees and upfront       in the statement of financial position. The amounts are recognised as
                     fees from customers for promised membership services to customers         revenue when the Group performs under the contract.
                     which are typically performance obligations satisfied over time. They are
                     recognised on a straight-line basis throughout the performance period      Provision for anticipated losses on projects is made in the accounts in
                     of membership services.
                                                                                               full when the possibility of loss is ascertained.
                     Revenues from sales of food and beverage sales represent the invoiced
                     value (excluding value added tax) of goods delivered and services
                     rendered after deducting discounts and service charges.
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