Page 222 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 222

220                l  Introduction  l  Nature of Business  l  Organisation and Shareholding Structure  l  Business Review  l  Corporate Governance  l  Financial Statements  l  Other Information  l

                  jointly submitted the proposals under the name of “BGSR Joint Venture”      BGSR 6 Company Limited and BGSR 81 Company Limited will receive
                  (in which they have interests of 40%, 40%, 10% and 10%, respectively)     payments in return for the Phase 1 works on a quarterly basis for a
                  to Department of Highways in order to invest in the operation and         period of 20 years from the commencement of Phase 2 works, and for
                  maintenance of civil work and collection system of Bang Pa-In - Nakhon    the Phase 2 works on a quarterly basis for a period 30 years from the
                  Ratchasima (M6) and Bang Yai - Kanchanaburi (M81) Intercity Motorway      commencement of Phase 2 works. The operations of both projects are
                  Projects. These projects are public-private partnership. On 29 August     scheduled in 2024.
                  2019, the selection committee established in accordance with Section 35
                  of the Private Investment in State Undertakings Act B.E. 2013 announced                                                                        Currently, the projects are under the process of design and system
                  that BGSR Joint Venture was the bidder with the highest assessment        installation.
                  score for both lines. On 21 July 2020, a cabinet resolution approved
                  the result of the selection of private companies and draft joint venture   1.5  Coronavirus disease 2019 Pandemic
                  agreements for the portion of the Intercity Motorway Projects appointing
                  a private company to private jointly invest in carrying out Operation and      The Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic is continuing to evolve.
                  Maintenance (O&M) for two projects. Subsequently, BGSR 6 Company          It has slowed down the economic, adversely impacting most businesses
                  Limited and BGSR 81 Company Limited were established in order to          and industries. The Group’s management has continuously monitored
                  prepare for the signing of the agreement with the government agency.      ongoing developments and assessed the financial impact in respect
                                                                                            of the valuation of assets, provisions and contingent liabilities, and
                                                                                            has used estimates and judgement in respect of various issues as the
                  On 29 September 2021, BGSR 6 Company Limited and BGSR 81                  situation has evolved.
                  Company Limited, the Company have entered into the public private
                  partnership agreements (PPP gross cost) with the Department of
                  Highways to operate the Bang Pa-In - Nakhon Ratchasima intercity    2.    Basis of preparation
                  motorway project (M6), having a total distance of approximately 196 km,   2.1  The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
                  and the Bang Yai - Kanchanaburi intercity motorway project (M81),         Thai Financial Reporting Standards enunciated under the Accounting
                  having a total distance of approximately 96 km. The agreements are        Professions Act B.E. 2547 and their presentation has been made in
                  divided into 2 phases as follows:                                         compliance with the stipulations of the Notification of the Department
                                                                                            of Business Development, issued under the Accounting Act B.E. 2543.
                  Phase 1 - Design and construction of the system works including toll
                  plaza construction and system installation, toll collection system, traffic      The financial statements in Thai language are the official statutory
                  management and control system, with a period of 3 years from the          financial statements of the Company. The financial statements in
                  commencement date as agreed in the agreements.                            English  language  have  been  translated  from  the  Thai  language
                                                                                            financial statements.
                  Phase 2 - Operation and maintenance services (O&M) including the
                  collection and delivery of the entire toll revenue to the Department of      The financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis
                  Highways, repair and maintenance of the roads and system works, with      except where otherwise disclosed in the accounting policies.
                  a period of 30 years.
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