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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                    6.4 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements  219
               Annual Report 2021/22

                     services for the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service for a period of 6 years,   venture into the project after the Central Administrative Court has
                     commencing from 1 September 2019, are provided under an agreement         already issued a mitigation order including  the claim. On 9 February 2022,
                     with Krungthep Thanakom granting rights to operate the Bus Rapid          the  Central  Administrative  Court  rendered  the  amendments  and
                     Transit (BRT) project. BTSC has received a consideration over the         changes the selection process documentation no.1 are illegal but
                     concession period, as stipulated in the agreement.                        not claim for the infringe the plaintiff. Therefore, the court dismissed
                                                                                               the case. Subsequently, on 11 March 2022, the Group submitted an
               1.2.5  Mass transit project - Orange Line                                       appeal to the Central Administrative Court. Currently, the case is under
                     On 21 October 2020, the Company, BTSC and Sino-Thai Engineering           the consideration of the Supreme Court.
                     and Construction Public Company Limited under the names of “BSR
                     Joint Venture” for the Orange Line Project (Bang Khun Non - Min Buri   1.3  U-Tapao International Airport and Eastern Aviation City
                     (Suwinthawong)) (“Orange Line Project”), having a track length of         Development Project
                     35.9 kilometers, in which they have interests of 38%, 42% and 20%,        On 21 March 2019, the Company, Bangkok Airways Public Company
                     respectively.                                                             Limited and Sino-Thai Engineering & Construction Public Company
                                                                                               Limited (“STEC”) jointly submitted the proposals under the name of
                     On 9 November 2020, BSR Joint Venture jointly submitted a bid proposal    “BBS Joint Venture” (in which they have interests of 35%, 45% and
                     for the Orange Line Project to the Mass Rapid Transit Authority of        20%, respectively) to Royal Thai Navy in order to invest in U-Tapao
                     Thailand (“MRTA”). Subsequently, on 3 February 2021, MRTA announced       International Airport and Eastern Aviation City Development Project.
                     the cancellation of the invitation to jointly invest in the Orange Line   This project is a public-private partnership. On 31 January 2020, the selection
                     Project through a public-private partnership and cancellation of the      committee announced the result of the price proposal consideration,
                     selection process.                                                        with  BBS  Joint  Venture  offering  the  best  returns  to  the  state.
                                                                                               On 19 June 2020, U-Tapao International Aviation Company Limited
                     Subsequently, on 22 February 2021, the Company as the complaint filed     (“U-Tapao”) (as a joint venture company of BBS Joint Venture) signed the
                     a lawsuit against the governor of MRTA and the selection committee        joint venture contract for the U-Tapao International Airport and Eastern
                     concerning the Bang Khun Non - Min Buri (Suwinthawong) section of         Aviation City Development Project with the Eastern Economic Corridor
                     the Orange Line Project in the Central Criminal Court for Corruption and   Committee (“EECC”). U-Tapao has to carry out the scope of duties and
                     Misconduct Cases on the grounds. On 5 May 2021, the Court issued          responsibilities as stipulated in the contract, including sharing of benefits
                     an order to accept the case for preliminary examination.                  between U-Tapao and EECC and transfering rights in related assets to
                                                                                               EECC. The partnership project has a term of 50 years starting from the

                     On 1 April 2021, the Group as the claimant filed a lawsuit against the    project start date, which is currently being determined.
                     selection committee concerning the Orange Line Project and the MRTA
                     to the Central Administrative Court on the ground of the two defendants   1.4   Bang  Pa-In  -  Nakhon  Ratchasima  (M6)  and  Bang  Yai  -
                     collaboratively or representationally issuing illegal administrative order   Kanchanaburi (M81) Intercity Motorway Projects
                     cancelling the invitation to the Public-Private Partnership of the Orange      On 27 June 2019, the Company, Gulf Energy Development Public
                     Line Project and cancelling the selection of the private company to       Company Limited, STEC and RATCH Group Public Company Limited
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