Page 269 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                    6.4 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements  267
               Annual Report 2021/22

               15.  Investments in joint ventures

               15.1 Details of investments in joint ventures
                                                                                                                                                (Unit: Thousand Baht)
                                                                                                                    Consolidated f nancial   Separate f nancial
                                                                                                                        statements            statements
                          Company’s name                  Nature of business      Country of      Shareholding      Carrying amounts based on    Cost
                                                                                 incorporation     percentage           equity method
                                                                                               2022       2021       2022       2021       2022       2021
                Man Food Holdings Co., Ltd.     Restaurants and food service      Thailand      41.18      41.18    181,320    182,059         -     103,565
                BGSR 6 Co., Ltd.                Operation and maintenance of civil   Thailand   40.00      40.00    398,267    400,211    400,000    400,000
                                                  works and collection system
                BGSR 81 Co., Ltd.               Operation and maintenance of civil   Thailand   40.00      40.00    338,168    340,174    340,000    340,000
                                                  works and collection system
                ATS Rabbit Special Purpose      Special purpose vehicle for the   Thailand      51.00      51.00        22         22          -          -
                  Vehicle Co., Ltd.               securitisation project
                Rabbit-LINE Pay Co., Ltd.       Accepting electronic and online   Thailand      33.33      33.33    282,589    337,580         -          -
                The ICON VGI Co., Ltd.          Management of advertising media in   Thailand   25.00      25.00      1,558      1,580         -          -
                                                  the mass rapid transit system project
                Supremo Media Co., Ltd.         Advertising media management      Thailand      25.00      25.00      3,795      1,764         -          -
                BV Media Ads Ltd.               Provide Media and public relations   Thailand   50.00      50.00      6,478     13,063         -          -
                VGI AnyMind Technology Co., Ltd.  Development for outdoor media   Thailand      49.00      49.00      4,316      4,413         -          -
                V-Click Technology Co., Ltd.    Distributor of online advertising media in   Thailand  30.00  30.00   6,804      8,655         -          -
                                                  China to serve brand owners in Thailand
                                                  and development for mobile applications
                SLV Retail Co., Ltd.            Convenience stores in mass transit facilities  Thailand  30.00  30.00  7,318     5,341         -          -
                Kinn Ventures Co., Ltd.         Restaurants and food service       Thailand     34.00         -      17,411         -          -          -
                Total                                                                                              1,248,046  1,294,862   740,000    843,565
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