Page 273 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 273

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                    6.4 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements  271
               Annual Report 2021/22

               16.1.2  U City Public Company Limited (“U City”)
                       Investment in U City under equity/cost method was detailed below.

                                                                                                                                                (Unit: Thousand Baht)

                                                                              Consolidated f nancial statements              Separate f nancial statements
                                                                                      Equity method                                  Cost method
                                                                                2022                2021                     2022                2021
               Cost                                                            22,238,309          14,417,121               22,238,309          14,417,121
               Add (Less): Allowance for impairment of investment                      -                  -                 (1,263,000)         (1,263,000)
                        Deferred gain on swap of investments in proportion
                           to the Company’s investment                         (1,814,947)         (1,814,947)                      -                   -
                        Deferred gain on the entire business transfer of subsidiary  (1,170,821)   (1,170,821)                      -                   -
                        Accumulated share of loss                              (2,780,333)         (2,895,004)                      -                   -
                        Accumulated share of other comprehensive income
                        - Exchange differences on translation of financial statements
                           in foreign currencies                                 (74,380)           (120,283)                       -                   -
                        - Gain on changes in value of available-for-sale investments  528,941         10,897                        -                   -
                        - Actuarial gain                                          11,775              18,232                        -                   -
                        Adjustment under equity method                          1,015,660            996,996                        -                   -
               Net                                                             17,954,204           9,442,191               20,975,309          13,154,121

                       During the year, the Company subscribed U City’s newly issued            for a total of Baht 252 million and Baht 146 million, respectively.
                       preferred  shares  which  was  issued  and  offered  to  its  existing   From these transactions, its shareholding in U City increased from
                       shareholders on a pro rata basis to their respective shareholding        37.87% to 45.94% of all of the total paid-up shares of U City. The
                       (Rights Offering) in the amount of 11,000 million shares, with the       Company recorded the gain on sale of investment in U City amounting
                       total value of Baht 7,700 million and the Company acquired and sold      to Baht 15 million in the statement of comprehensive income for the
                       preferred shares of U City through the Stock Exchange of Thailand        year ended 31 March 2022.
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