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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                    6.4 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements  269
               Annual Report 2021/22

               16.  Investments in associates

               16.1 Details of associates
                                                                                                                                                (Unit: Thousand Baht)
                                                                                                                    Consolidated f nancial   Separate f nancial
                                                                                                                        statements            statements
                          Company’s name                  Nature of business      Country of   Shareholding percentage  Carrying amounts based on   Cost
                                                                                 incorporation                          equity method
                                                                                               2022       2021       2022       2021       2022       2021
                BTS Rail Mass Transit Growth             Investment in infrastructure businesses  Thailand  33.33  33.33  9,439,020  9,734,478  18,429,666  18,695,868
                  Infrastructure Fund
                U City Plc.                     Property development               Thailand      45.94      37.87  17,954,204  9,442,191  22,238,309  14,417,121
                Master Ad Plc. (14.92% held by    Managing and provision of advertising   Thailand  41.50   41.16   3,259,382  2,890,799  1,650,425  1,523,804
                  the Company)                    services
                Kerry Express (Thailand) Plc.   Provision of domestic express delivery   Thailand  22.33    20.28   8,614,071  8,405,346  2,781,071  2,041,919
                  (4.30% held by the Company)     services
                Jay Mart Plc.                   Investment in wholesale and retail of   Thailand  14.58        -    6,336,878        -          -          -
                                                  mobile phones and accessories
                U-Tapao International Aviation Co., Ltd.  Airport development and related business  Thailand  35.00  35.00  1,507,890  1,569,935  1,575,000  1,575,000
                Chao Phraya Express Boat Co., Ltd.  Transportation on passenger boats and   Thailand  27.50  27.50   152,701    175,222    200,000    200,000
                                                  tourist boats travelling
                Ads Chao Phraya Co., Ltd.       Rendering advertising media services on   Thailand  25.00   25.00     88,761     93,759         -          -
                                                  boats and piers along river
                Aero Media Group Co., Ltd.      Advertising media in domestic airports  Thailand  30.00     30.00    115,799    115,799         -          -
                Demo Power (Thailand) Co., Ltd.  Arrangement of marketing activities,   Thailand  40.00     40.00    419,454    445,907         -          -
                                                  including distribution of samples and
                                                  carrying out product demonstrations to
                                                  promote sales
                Groupwork Co., Ltd.             Real estate rental business for office space   Thailand  20.00  20.00  4,309      3,410         -          -
                                                  and co-working space, including space
                                                  inside the BTS skytrain system
                VGI MACO (Singapore) Private Limited  Investment in advertising media business  Singapore  25.00  25.00  104,647  62,162        -          -
                Native Eats Co., Ltd.           Management of food and beverage    Thailand      25.00      25.00      7,748      9,384         -          -
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