Page 307 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 307

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                    6.4 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements  305
               Annual Report 2021/22

                     The Group recognised long term employee benefit as expenses in the income statement. The details are as follows:

                                                                                                                                                   (Unit: Million Baht)
                                                                                                          For the year ended 31 March
                                                                                           Consolidated                                Separate
                                                                                         f nancial statements                      Financial statement
                                                                                     2022              2021                    2022               2021
                Costs of service and servicing expenses                                    94                87                       -                  -
                Administrative expenses                                                    87                74                      15                 14
                Total                                                                     181                161                     15                 14

                     The Group expects to pay Baht 136 million of long-term employee benefits during the next year (Separate financial statements: Baht 25 million) (2021:
                     Baht 35 million (Separate financial statements: Nil)).

                     As at 31 March 2022, the weighted average duration of the liabilities for long-term employee benefit is 11 years.

                     Significant actuarial assumptions are summarised below:

                                                                                                                                                 (Unit: % per annum)
                                                                                                         For the years ended 31 March

                                                                                           Consolidated                                Separate
                                                                                         f nancial statements                      f nancial statements

                                                                                     2022              2021                    2022               2021
                Discount rate                                                             2.6                2.0                     2.6               2.0
                Salary increase rate                                                   6.0 - 7.0         3.0 - 7.0                6.0 - 7.0         6.0 - 7.0
                Turnover rate                                                         2.0 - 10.0         2.0 - 10.0              2.0 - 10.0        2.0 - 10.0
   302   303   304   305   306   307   308   309   310   311   312