Page 103 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                                4.3 Risk Management Review  101
               Annual Report 2021/22

               BTSC obligation in making the payment under the Net Revenue Purchase and   Other Risks
               Transfer Agreement. Under the sponsorship and sponsor guarantee agreement,
               BTSGIF may not enforce the Company guarantee obligation by any other means   Environmental Risk
               than enforcing all the BTSC shares pledged under the share pledge agreement   The Group places great importance on environmental risk management.
               for sales in a public auction or obliging the Company to transfer all the BTSC   The BTS mass transit system is an environmentally friendly operator, emitting low
               shares to BTSGIF under the share sales and purchase agreement.            carbon emissions compared to other modes of transport, utilising electricity as
                                                                                         its primary source of energy.
               The guarantee under the sponsorship and sponsor guarantee agreement,
               however, is limited to the transfer of all the shares held in BTSC by the Company,   However, the BTS mass transit system may emit more greenhouse gas emissions
               but not including BTSC assets not purchased by BTSGIF, which shall be     from the continuous expansion of the rail transport network. According to
               transferred back to the Company or persons specified by the Company under   the Group’s analysis and current expansion plans, the BTS mass transit system
               the Net Revenue Purchase and Transfer Agreement and the sponsorship and   will release more greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 1% per year starting
               sponsor guarantee agreement. Even though the Company guarantee obligation   from 2022. This is mainly due to the opening of Pink and Yellow Line along
               shall cease after BTSGIF has utilised its right to enforce the pledged BTSC   with other upcoming businesses. Therefore, the reduction plan on greenhouse
               shares or force purchase the BTSC shares, the Company still loses its shares   gas emissions is included in the Company’s long-term Climate Strategy –
               in and control over BTSC and there will be a change of control over BTSC   to retain Carbon Neutral status and to improve the proportion of electricity usage
               from the Company to BTSGIF or any person acquiring the BTSC shares from   from renewable energy sources to at least 10% of its total usage. Furthermore,
               the public auction under the enforcement of the pledge under the share pledge   the plan layouts the strategy to offset carbon emissions by participating in
               agreement, or the person designated by BTSGIF as the transferee or purchaser     the Carbon Credit program and improving the Group’s operating efficiency which
               of the BTSC shares under the share sales and purchase agreement.          includes studies in environmental management projects along with providing
               Such an event may have a significant negative impact on the business, financial   support and cooperation in various greenhouse gas emission reduction projects
               position, earnings performance, and business prospects of BTSC and        initiated by governmental agencies.
               the Company.
                                                                                         At present, the Group operates its business in accordance with environmental
                                                                                         laws and the requirements of relevant environmental standards such as pollution
               Nevertheless, in a case of a certain event of default specified in the Net Revenue   control, environmental impact assessment (EIA) and environmental impact
               Purchase and Transfer Agreement, BTSC may propose a remedy plan for its   mitigation measures. In addition, policies and operating guidelines are formulated
               default to BTSGIF, and if BTSGIF approves the remedy plan, it shall not utilise   to respond to future changes in environmental laws.
               its right to enforce the obligation thereunder, demand the performance from
               the Company, as the sponsor under the sponsorship and sponsor guarantee   Risks and opportunities are assessed in accordance with the Task Force on
               agreement, or utilise any other rights. During the remedy period, the Company   Climate-related Financial Disclosures to determine the organisation’s approach
               shall grant the right to BTSGIF to vote through the BTSC shares and if there is   in addressing the risks of climate change, and risks associated with government
               a dividend paid from BTSC, the Company agrees to use the dividend to service   legislation and regulations to address environmental issues.
               the outstanding balance owed to BTSGIF, subject to the conditions specified in
               the net revenue transfer agreement and the sponsorship and sponsor guarantee   Further details can be considered under the Sustainability Report 2021/22 at
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