Page 101 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 101

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                                4.3 Risk Management Review  99
               Annual Report 2021/22

               Credit Risk                                                               Foreign Exchange Rate Risk

               Credit risk refers to the risk arising from the debtor or counterparty’s failure   Although BTS Group’s main revenue is generated in Thai Baht, we have some
               to pay debts or comply with agreed terms. As of 31 March 2022, the Group   foreign exchange rate risk, as certain transactions, such as procurement of
               had government receivables THB 89.5bn and trade and other receivables     rolling stocks, parts, and maintenance directly from overseas manufacturers,
               THB 1.1bn. The Company is confident that the government will be able to   are made in foreign currencies.
               repay all debts. As for trade receivable and other receivables, the Company
               regularly monitors the payment status. In addition, there is no concentration   As of 31 March 2022, one of our capital expenditure obligations relating to
               of receivables due to the Group’s diverse customer base and large number of   the operations made in foreign currencies is EUR 4.9mn arising from
               customers. Therefore, the Company does not expect to incur significant losses   the procurement of the rolling stocks and parts and a yearly expense of EUR
               from trade credit.                                                        1.7mn in maintenance cost. However, we have hedged almost all of the risk
                                                                                         by entering into forward contract. Nevertheless, if the Thai Baht significantly
               Interest Rate Risk                                                        devalues in comparison with foreign currencies in the future, it may result in

               The Group has interest bearing debts, namely  debentures, bank loans, and bills   a slight increase in BTSC’s operational costs.
               of exchange, which are all connected to interest rate fluctuation. If the interest
               rates increase, our interest expenses will increase for the floating rate borrowing.   BTS Group will consider entering into agreements as appropriate to hedge
               In addition, BTS Group is exposed to interest rate risk in its investment,   the foreign exchange rate risk by assessing the magnitude of the risk and
               particularly in the long-term debenture investment, where the investment   expenses required to manage it. Moreover, we diversify the risk by investing
               value will decrease when the market interest rates increase. We may also lose   offshore, which not only increases the rate of return, but also generates revenue in
               the opportunity to receive more revenue from the increased interest rates if we had   the foreign treasury assets to match foreign liabilities.
               invested in long-term debt instruments during a period in which the interest
               rates are lower than that in the market.                                  Treasury Management Risk
                                                                                         The Company manages its cash by investing in various financial assets to
               To handle the debt level and investment efficiently, BTS Group manages its   increase the Group’s income, whereby its policy is to manage these funds
               interest rate risk by balancing the fixed and floating rate portion of the borrowing,   carefully. However, said investment results depend on several external factors,
               as well as regularly monitoring the global and domestic economic situations,   such as interest rates, foreign exchange rates, and rates of return. Moreover,
               including the trends in interest rates.                                   with our long-term investment policies, certain periods may see gains exceeding
                                                                                         or missing the targets. The Company, therefore, may face risk related to loss of
                                                                                         principal and failure to receive the expected return from treasury management
                                                                                         in some periods.
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