Page 104 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 104

102                l  Introduction  l  Nature of Business  l  Organisation and Shareholding Structure  l  Business Review  l Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

            However, if the legal and regulatory requirements of the government in solving   an increase in remote access and working, online classes, online shopping,
            such environmental problems become more stringent, the Group may require   and online transactions. As such, part of the daily life, economic activities,
            additional investments to further improve upon its operational practices.   and payment has become more towards digitalised, whether through applications
            The decision to invest in a low-carbon business, including a clean energy production   or the internet on the mobile phone, virtual conference platforms, or e-learning,
            business and building a network to support climate change, could result in   which allows people to work, shop, and study from home without traveling via
            a higher cost for the business.                                           the mass transit system, or reduce the use of public transport due to occupational
                                                                                      health concerns. These changes are short-term social and technology change
            Social and Community Risks                                                resulting from macroeconomics factors which could be seen in 0-2 years.
            The Company places great importance on human rights issues, whereby it    The reducing trend in number of ridership may have a high negative impact on
            established and implemented Human Rights Due Diligence, which comprises   the Group’s overall revenue and performance.
            of policies on human rights, human rights impact assessment, the prevention
            and mitigation of human rights impacts and the monitoring and reporting on   To manage this risk and handle the change in consumer demand and behaviour,
            human rights impact assessments.                                          the Company implements a strategy to expand and develop present businesses
                                                                                      into other sectors, as can be seen from (1) the business expansion into other

            The Company has established its human rights policy in accordance with    transport sectors International, such as the development project of U-Tapao
            the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which   International Airport and Eastern Aviation City, and the intercity motorway
            defines the scope of stakeholders involved, including human rights issues   project; (2) the development of the online payment channels to provide more
            according to the Human Rights Risk Register. From the overall human rights   convenience and efficiency to consumers through mobile applications such as
            risk assessment, issues related to employees, communities and supply chains   Rabbit LINE Pay; and (3) the improvement on the distribution business unit (Kerry
            were identified as follows: risk of infringing on the rights of health and safety   Express Thailand) to make it more efficient in order to support the increasing
            at the workplace, fair employment conditions according to the law, the rights   demand on e-Commerce. This diversification of risk will help support and
            of customers’ safety, etc.                                                cater to the changes in consumer behaviour and sustainably to strengthen
                                                                                      the growth of our revenue.
            The Company has disclosed the Human Rights Due Diligence Report on
            the Company’s website at                                                  • Risk of Entering into an Aging Society
              The change of the population structure into an aging society is an issue to
                                                                                      which many countries around the world are paying attention. For Thailand, it has
            Emerging Risk                                                             presently shifted from an aging society to a fully aged society. Data from
            • Risk from Changes in the Consumer Behaviour                             the National Statistical Office reveals that Thailand will fully enter the aged society
                                                                                      in 2021 (more than 20% of the population aged 60 years and over, or more
            Today’s changes in technology and reaction to new technology result in rapid   than 14% of the total population aged 65 and over), and in 2031, Thailand will
            changes in consumer behaviour. Furthermore, the outbreak of the COVID-19   enter a super-aged society (more than 20% of the entire population aged 65
            pandemic has proven to be one of the accelerating factors, such as prompting   years and over), with up to 28% of the total population aged 60 years and over.
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